[Tango-L] Everyone's "one of the most respected and well-known dancers in...

Mallpasso@aol.com Mallpasso at aol.com
Thu Aug 3 17:32:32 EDT 2006

Wow, I don't believe this... Jake can actually be pithy rather than 
verbose...  ;-)

El Bandido de Tango

In a message dated 8/3/2006 10:14:40 Pacific Daylight Time, spatz at tangoDC.com 
Hi Caroline,

I think you should drop all these teachers, and come study with me. I'm 
plain atrocious.


Caroline Polack wrote:
> I don't know if I agree with that line of thinking - if someone has to 
> actually say they are the best instead of letting their dancing 
> establish their reputation, it turns me off. I like confidence but not 
> THAT much.
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Lucia <curvasreales at yahoo.com.ar>
> To: Caroline Polack <runcarolinerun at hotmail.com>, tango-l at mit.edu
> Subject: Re: [Tango-L] Everyone's "one of the most respected and 
> well-known dancers in Buenos Aires"
> Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 15:47:47 +0000 (GMT)
> Tango is foremost about attitude. If you don't think you are the best  
> on the floor, you are not dancing true Tango, never mind how bad you  
> are.
>   Lucia ;->
> Caroline Polack <runcarolinerun at hotmail.com> escribió:  I've been 
> doing a lot of browsing on the internet, of various tango schools
> and teachers, in North America, and of course Argentina. Is it just me 
> or is
> every single teacher "one of the most respected and well-known tango 
> dancers
> in Buenos Aires"?
> Says who? It's not possible for every single one of them to be "one 
> of  the
> best" or there wouldn't any "best" at all. I would like to know who 
> sets the
> standards and who exactly is considering those teachers to be "one of the
> best" or is there alot of self-proclamation going on?
> I see it here too, braggadacio. I was at a Milonga hosted by my tango 
> school
> where I was approached by an older man who tried to persuade me to stop
> taking lessons at that school and instead learn with him because he is 
> one
> of the "best" and had been travelling to Buenos Aires every year for the
> last 20 years. Well, so did my tango teachers. I find that to be very bad
> manners, to be approached by someone who is trying to convince others 
> not to
> take lessons from the teachers hosting the milonga. Competiton can 
> sometimes
> be a little too backstabbing for my liking.
> So, I am thinking, how does making annual pilgrimages to Argentina
> automatically make you the best?
> What makes me laugh is when I come across a website that features just 
> one
> teacher and they write about themselves in the third person, with all 
> those
> effusive reviews of how they are one of the "best in Buenos Aires".
> One thing I can say for sure is that generally speaking, most tango 
> teachers
> have no lack of self-confidence.
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