[Tango-L] Everyone's "one of the most respected and well-known dancers in Buenos Aires"

Igor Polk ipolk at virtuar.com
Thu Aug 3 20:52:47 EDT 2006


The best thing a teacher can do: he MAKEs you work ! The rest is up to you.
When one does not know how to dance, how can he judge about all these
"musicality?playfulness?connection?creativity?energy?" ?
Right Trini?
It is a matter of personal likeness ultimately.

Even more than that. So when one is not able to make a decision yet, he
chooses pretty randomly. And it is usually a teacher which smiles wider.
Then, when he learns a little, he is able to recognize the things better,
and he should check everything again. And so on. Hmm.... judging this way
the best teacher is the one who teaches the best dancers. But again, one can
recognize it only when he knows the dance.

About money. As you can see, knowing all the teachers means saving money,
not wasting them. My income is limited ( that is what you guessed, Trini )
and that is exactly why I did it: I wanted to learn as fast as I can with as
less expense as I can.


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