[Tango-A] NA-C: Oscar and Mary Ann Casas in Chicago, July 14 -23
chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 9 19:10:41 EDT 2009
Oscar and Mary Ann Casas in Chicago, July 14 -23
Oscar and Mary Ann Casas will both be back together in Chicago for the first time since their participation in the 2007 Chicago Mini Tango Festival. They will be in Chicago from July 14-July 23 and will do a weekend of workshops on July 18 and 19.They will also be available for private lessons during their stay.
Oscar was born in Parque Patricios (a well-known tango barrio in Buenos Aires). His parents were avid tango dancers, and, in the 1950's and '60's, they organized three different milongas per week, which regularly drew in 400-500 dancers. Oscar was very much influenced by his father, both by osmosis and discussion. He absorbed the code (codigo) of the milongueros, and when he eventually decided to take up the dance seriously, he already had a background and base that was the envy of many. Mary Ann came to tango eleven years ago from a background of ice-dancing. Coincidentally, her favourite ice-dance is the Argentine Tango. Oscar and Mary Ann have spent the last years living and teaching 6 months in Bs As and 6 months in Toronto and the US. Oscar has a distinct style both in his dance and his teaching. He is very .milonguero., and is respected by the .old guard. in the milongas of Buenos Aires. He is also extremely popular with his students, who are
impressed by his teaching style. He teaches with energy and humor, emphasizing concepts, specializing in improvisation, always interpreting the music and respecting the character of the different orchestras. He is especially interested in the dynamics and cadencia of the dance. Everything he teaches is applicable to crowded milongas.
Together they have taught workshops and private classes in Buenos Aires, Toronto, and several American cities, including Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Seattle, and Portland. Oscar's unique approach to teaching and his charismatic personality have impressed and delighted his students everywhere. He puts his heart and soul into his classes, and his students respond in kind.
For more information on Oscar and Mary Ann, see their web page, www.tangoargentino.ca and/or view some videos of their exhibitions and classes at http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=oscaracasas&view=videos
Oscar & Mary Ann Casas, July18 & 19, 2009 WORKSHOPS
Saturday, July 18, 2009
12:00-1:30 A: Complete understanding of the tango systems (all levels) Vocabulary-Connection-Musicality-Improvisation.
2:00-3:30 B: Barridas & contra barridas milongueras(intermediate & up) Playing with feet, interacting between partners – unique and spontaneous body conversation.
4:00-5:30 C: Unorthodox giros (intermediate & up) construction and deconstruction. Complete understanding and control over turns – creating your own giros
Sunday, July 19, 2009
12:00-1:30 D: Colgadas milongueras (intermediate & up) conquering your axis. Use of gravity in dance –providing dynamics and interest to your movement.
2-3:30 E : Volcadas milongueras (intermediate &up) front and back. Use of different axes – a fun way to potentially enhance the masculinity and femininity of these circular crosses.
4:00-5:30 F : Paradas milongueras (intermediate &up)
unique passive movements used to change directions and creat spontaneous figures, showing the sensuality of tango, especially Pugliese, Vargas, Fresedo and other slow orchestras
Entire package: 6 classes and Saturday milonga $150.00
Full time student: 6 classes and Saturday milonga $120.00
Saturday or Sunday classes $ 80.00
Full time student: Saturday or Sunday classes $ 64.00
Individual classes $ 35.00; Full time student $25.00
Milonga only (no discount) $15.00
Early Registration Discount 10% (for classes) through June 30, 2009
All classes take place at Dance Connection
3117 N. Clybourn, Chicago, Illinois
To get a flyer of the workshops, please go to: http://chicagotangofestival.com/CasasWS. Oscar and Mary Ann Casas will be available for private lessons during their stay in Chicago. If you have any question concerning the workshops or have an interest in a private lesson, please email Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com .
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