[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Information on Remaining MIT Flu Shot Clinics
Dawn Anderson
colquitt at mit.edu
Mon Oct 15 12:34:31 EDT 2018
FYI Tang!
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Dr. Cecilia Stuopis" <fluinfo at mit.edu<mailto:fluinfo at mit.edu>>
Subject: Information on Remaining MIT Flu Shot Clinics
Date: October 15, 2018 at 12:00:31 PM EDT
To: "Dr. Cecilia Stuopis" <fluinfo at mit.edu<mailto:fluinfo at mit.edu>>
Reply-To: "Dr. Cecilia Stuopis" <fluinfo at mit.edu<mailto:fluinfo at mit.edu>>
Dear Members of the MIT Community,
Did you miss the big October 3 flu-shot clinic? Fortunately, that wasn’t your last chance to get a vaccine! Help yourself stay healthy this fall and winter by coming to one of these upcoming walk-in clinics:
Tuesday, October 16, 3–7 p.m., Stratton Student Center (Building W20)<https://whereis.mit.edu/?go=W20>
Thursday, October 18, 3–6 p.m., Tang Center (Building E51)<https://whereis.mit.edu/?go=E51>
WHO’S ELIGIBLE? The clinic is open to MIT Medical patients ages 10 and up, MIT retirees, and ALL employees, students, and affiliates, regardless of insurance coverage. Please bring your MIT ID if you have one. For more information on eligibility, see our Flu Central webpage<http://medical.mit.edu/flu>.
KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: You can fill out your flu information form when you arrive at the walk-in clinic. Or save time by filling out your form ahead of time. Download and print the document using this link<https://medical.mit.edu/sites/default/files/fluclinic.pdf>.
LEARN MORE. Each year’s active influenza strains are different, so you need to get the 2018 shot to be protected —even if you got a flu shot last year. Information about this year’s vaccine is available from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website<https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/flu.html>. Important notifications from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can be found here<https://medical.mit.edu/sites/default/files/miis-parents-patients.pdf>.
There’s even more information about this year’s flu vaccine on MIT Medical’s Flu Central webpage<https://medical.mit.edu/flu>. While you’re there, browse available resources and tips for protecting yourself from influenza. And remember to check the MIT Medical homepage<https://medical.mit.edu/> at other times during the year to find up-to-date health and medical information you can use.
WHAT IF I CAN’T MAKE IT TO A CLINIC? These two clinics will be our only remaining walk-in clinics for the year, so we hope you can make one of them. But if you can’t, call the MIT Medical Flu Line at 617-253-4865 to find out how and when you can get your shot.
Cecilia Stuopis, MD, FACOG
Medical Director
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