[Tang-Residents] Donate blood. Save a life! - February 8-12

Tru C Dang trudang at mit.edu
Wed Feb 3 08:57:33 EST 2016


(ARCTAN = American Red Cross Team and Network of MIT)

MIT Community Blood Drives
Student Center La Sala - 2nd Floor

Monday, February 8
1pm - 6pm

Tuesday, February 9
8am - 1pm

Wednesday, February 10
1pm - 6pm

Thursday, February 11
1pm - 6pm

Friday, February 12
1pm - 6pm

Try RapidPass for a faster donation!

Appointments or walk-ins are welcome. Make an appointment here<http://web.mit.edu/blood-drive/www/>.

Afraid of needles? Unable to give blood? Still want to help?
Consider volunteering your time to help out at the drive!
Sign up to volunteer here<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1slcdlpxGfnC7uKZMLpUIcJrz8jeMV_RVKO_NMMc9VwY/edit?usp=sharing>.

Thank you!

bcc'd to dorm lists
navy for bc-talk
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