[Tang-Residents] LabVIEW Workshop at MIT

Hope Harrison hopeful at mit.edu
Tue Feb 2 13:55:30 EST 2016

tldr: sign up for a workshop I'm teaching to learn LabVIEW at this link

Hello everyone!

My name is Hope Harrison. I'm a course 6-2 sophomore at MIT, and I just
wanted to invite you to a LabVIEW workshop I will be teaching on campus. If
you're interested in learning how to use LabVIEW as an engineering tool, it
will be a great chance to learn how. I've done lots of UROPs using LabVIEW
and it has turned out to be really useful for me, and I think it can for
you too.

The workshop will be two hours per week on Thursday nights at 7pm in 3-370,
and it will be 10 weeks long. At the end of the class, National Instruments
will pay for everyone to take the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
(CLAD) exam, so you'll be able to prove your skills to potential employers.

Over the course of the workshop, you will learn to:

   - Create applications using the state machine design pattern to acquire,
   process, display, and store realworld data.
   - Learn LabVIEW functionality that directly links to application needs
   by providing a jump-start for application development or skills to improve
   your existing applications.
   - Discover how LabVIEW integrates with existing legacy software, IP, and
   hardware while capitalizing on the latest computing technologies such FPGA

If you want to come to my workshop, sign up on Eventbrite at this link

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