[Tang-residents] Tang Hall Desk

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 20 12:38:43 EDT 2011


Are you a people person?  Friendly?  Are you organized?  Do you pay attention to details and like solving an occasional mystery?  If you have an afternoon (or two) free during the week, consider working at the Tang Front Desk this fall!

We have openings for the 2pm to 6pm shift for the fall semester.  We'll train you and then put you in charge of the Desk for an afternoon.  Before you know it, you'll have made friends with most of the Tang and Westgate communities.

If you think you might be a good fit for the Tang Desk, please email tangdeskcaptain at gmail.com<mailto:tangdeskcaptain at gmail.com>  for an application or just to ask questions about our Desk operations.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Michael Collins

House Operations Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tang Residence Hall W84-104
Westgate Family Apartments
Housing Department
Office Tele. 617-253-5146
Office Fax   617-253-5094
Link for dorm repairs:

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