[Sci-tech-public] MIT Student Pugwash Lunch Discussion: Dr. Joseph Sussman, Oct. 4

Christopher Sequeira csequeir at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 26 12:58:09 EDT 2006

Dear Student Pugwash and STS members,

On behalf of MIT Student Pugwash, I would like to extend to all of you 
an invitation to a small lunch discussion with Dr. Joseph Sussman on 
Wednesday, October 4th from noon to 1:30pm.  Dr. Sussman is the JR East 
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems 
in MIT's Engineering Systems Division, and he will be speaking about air 
quality and mobility issues in Mexico City.  Spots are limited, so 
please reply directly to me before Friday if you are interested.  Thank 
you for your time!

- Chris Sequeira, MIT Student Pugwash president

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