[Sci-tech-public] message from Xaq Frohlich re: 5th Annual MIT International Development Fair

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 25 09:51:30 EDT 2006

To: sci-tech-public at MIT.EDU
From: Xaq Frohlich <frohlich at MIT.EDU>
Subject: International Development Fair is Friday -- spread the word!
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 08:27:37 -0400

This upcoming Friday, from 1-3PM, we will be hosting the 5th Annual 
MIT International Development Fair.  It is an opportunity for 
students (undergraduate and graduate alike) to learn about student 
activities, MIT programs, and job/internship openings available 
around campus that deal with international development.  Please 
disseminate the information below widely to help make this year's 
Fair a great success!

Thank you,
Xaq Frohlich

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