[Sci-tech-public] The Bale: Nov/Dec and Nov. E-calendar

Amy B. Donovan adonovan at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 10 18:23:08 EST 2005

~ The Bale ~
(Bale=A compacted and bound cube of recycled material.)

An informative and inspirational E-newsletter from the Working Group 
Recycling Committee to MIT Recycling Ambassadors, colleagues, and the MIT 

The Working Group Recycling Committee invites you to read the 
November/December issue of The Bale, now posted on our website at:

This issue features information on:
    * America Recycles Day events: Tuesday, November 15
    * Exploring Solutions, Preserving the Future - An MIT Environmental 
Writing Contest
    * Recycling electronic and computer waste
    * Alternative Holiday Gift Fairs, and more!

~ The Campus-Wide Environmental Calendar: A Collaboration for 2005 ~

To download WGR's monthly E-calendar, featuring the environmental 
initiatives practiced by this month's sponsor, MIT Medical, go to: 

~ Please forward ~

Amy Donovan
Co-Chair, Working Group Recycling Committee http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/
a subcommittee of WGSSI: http://web.mit.edu/committees/wgssi/
Editor, The Bale http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/monthly_bale.shtml
adonovan at mit.edu

The mission of the MIT Working Group Recycling Committee is to develop and 
deliver programs that educate administrative and support staff about 
recycling, reducing and reusing goods. Efforts include 
identifying/addressing gaps in staff understanding about recycling as well 
as gaps in recycling resources and creating ways to increase recycling at MIT.
For more information about the Recycling Ambassadors Plus Program, please 
visit: http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/ambassadors_plus.shtml
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