[Sci-tech-public] ITWG presents Grischa Metlay this Thurs, Nov 17th, Noon
Kara Swanson
kswanson at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Nov 14 09:06:05 EST 2005
Please join the Ivory Tower Working Group for a discussion of (H of S
G2) Grischa Metlay’s research, provisionally titled:
*“From Scientific Management to the Management of Innovation: A History
of Managerial Thought as Told Through Practical Guides”***
In true working group spirit, Grischa will lead a discussion of a set
of texts rather than presenting polished research. The texts will
relate to the history of management thinking as it comes out in
practical guides for managers. This will include chapter 9 from Jack
Welsh's new book (_Winning_), a chapter from one of the old management
texts (A.M. Simons, _Production Management Control of Men, Materials,
and Machines_, ch 1 “the use of science in industry”), and the US
chapter from Mauro Guillen's _Models of Management_, which provides a
concise treatment of relationship between economic conditions and
managerial thinking in the US.
Grischa’s working hypothesis is that: “In the [early 20th century]
managers looked to science to support claims for increased control in
commercial firms (i.e., a professionalization move). In the later years
the texts are concerned with the management of innovation, which signals
the recognition that the processes underlying the production of
scientific knowledge could be organized and administered via management
techniques . In short, the relationship between management and science
reverses after this turning point.”
The meeting will be held this *T**hursday, Nov 17th, Noon, History of
Science 252*
Lunch will be served.
The texts are available for photocopying in the History of Science
Department, 4th floor, outside the grad lounge.
*Please RSVP to Ben at* jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu
<mailto:jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu>
*And mark your calendars for a special joint meeting of the ITWG and the
Life Sciences/Environmental Sciences Working Group on Thursday, December
1 at the special time of 4 p.m., when we will be welcoming Dan Kevles of
Yale University, title TBA!*
Kara W. Swanson, B.S., M.A., J.D.
Ph.D. Candidate
History of Science
Harvard University
Science Center 371
Cambridge, MA 02138
kswanson at fas.harvard.edu
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