[Sci-tech-public] STS Colloquium: November 14, 2005

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 9 18:09:02 EST 2005

"Blooding a 'Race':  Hawaiian Identity Politics and Blood Quantum Technologies"

The next STS Colloquium will be held on Monday, November 14th.  Our 
speaker will be
Rona T. Halualani, Associate Professor in the Department of 
Communication Studies at
San Jose State University.  From her book, In the Name of Hawaiians: 
Native Identities and
Cultural Politics (University of Minnesota Press, 2002), Dr. 
Halualani will discuss her research on
the racialization of Hawaiians through blood quantum technologies and 
science.  Drawing from her
ethnographic fieldwork, textual analysis of historical and 
governmental documents, and oral history
interviews, Dr. Halualani will engage the question:  What are the 
limits and surprising possibilities
that science and technology (namely blood quantum, extinction 
predictions, and the search for a
specific "authentic" genetic code) proffer for native indigeneity (in 
terms of Hawaiians and other
indigenous land-based groups) and cultural politics?

Dr. Halualani received her Ph.D. from Arizona State in 1998.  Her 
research interests include:
language and culture; cultural identity; intercultural communication; 
intercultural communication training;
communication theory and research; and culture and ethnography.  Dr. 
Halualani was selected as a
2005 Carnegie Scholar by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement 
of Teaching for her project,
"How Do Students Integratively Learn About Diversity in the 
Intercultural Communication Course."

Please join us on November 14th at 4:00 p.m. in E51-095 for Dr. 
Halualani's talk.

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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