[Save] Fwd: want to volunteer for the Charles River Conservancy?

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 1 22:52:57 EST 2004

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
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>Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 17:08:14 -0500
>To: crcvolunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org
>From: Britt Lundgren <bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>
>X-Mailman-Approved-At: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 17:22:10 -0500
>Subject: [CRC Volunteers] Conservancy Volunteers March Update
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>Greetings, Volunteers,
>Spring is in the air!  Many thanks to everyone who has braved the cold to 
>help us prune trees this winter.  Since we began tree pruning in November, 
>120 people have helped us prune trees in 10 different locations in the 
>Parklands. We're going to try to squeeze in just a few more pruning events 
>before spring is here to stay.  If you can't join us to prune, perhaps 
>you'll be able to join us at one of the many events we have lined up for 
>April and May.  Also, look below for a GeesePeace update and other 
>Conservancy news.
>Saturday, March 6 - Tree pruning in Cambridge with Boston Cares
>         10:00-2:00 -This event is already nearly full, so sign up soon!
>Saturday, March 20 Tree pruning.
>         10:00-2:00 - location TBA.
>Saturday, April 10 - with <http://www.svboston.org>Single Volunteers Boston.
>         9:00-2:00 Location and project TBA.
>Saturday, April 24 - 5th Annual Earth Day Cleanup!
>         Bring a group or come on your own.  We'll be cleaning up the 
> banks of the river from 9:00-noon, then we'll celebrate with a picnic in 
> Herter Park.
>If you are interested in organizing a cleanup for your group, volunteering 
>individually, or for more information, please contact Teresa D'Anna at 
>Massachusetts Community Water Watch, 617-287-3866 or 
><mailto:teresa at waterwatchonline.org>teresa at waterwatchonline.org.  This 
>event is sponsored by the Charles River Watershed Association, 
>Massachusetts Community Water Watch, Charles River Stream Team, Senator 
>Steven Tolman's Office, Charles River Conservancy, Esplanade Association, 
>Clean Charles Coalition, and the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
>Saturday, May 1st - Help keep Earthfest earth-friendly!  We're partnering 
>with <http://www.wbos.com>WBOS to make sure that Earthfest is an 
>environmentally friendly event.  Volunteers are needed for 3-hour shifts 
>between 9 and 7:30 - pitch in for a few hours and then spend the rest of 
>the day enjoying the great music from the VIP seating section.
>To participate in any of these events, please contact Britt Lundgren at 
><mailto:bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org, 
>or call 617-641-9131.
>The spring and summer Conservancy Volunteers schedule is filling up fast 
>with brush cutting, invasive plant removal and erosion control 
>projects!  Now is the time to set up a service day for your company or 
>community group by contacting volunteer coordinator, Britt Lundgren at 
><mailto:bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org or 
>(617) 641-9131.
>Geesepeace Update and Certification:
>The growing presence of resident Canada Geese along the Charles River has 
>become controversial: while they are beautiful to behold, their large 
>population has started to strain the capacity of the parks and the 
>patience of those who use the playing fields, lawns, and docks along the 
>river. The <http://www.livingwithwildlife.org>Massachusetts Society for 
>the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) and the Department of 
>Conservation and Recreation have enlisted the support of the CRC and the 
>Esplanade Association to implement the Geesepeace program, a nationally 
>recognized program that humanely resolves the conflicts between people and 
>Canada geese.  The GeesePeace model uses a three part approach, which 
>focuses on eliminating feeding of waterfowl through public education, 
>goose population stabilization through egg oiling, and herding birds from 
>low tolerance areas like ball fields.
>Certification workshops will be held on March 30 and April 1, in the 
>evening.  To sign up, or to learn more about this effort and how you can 
>help, contact Britt Lundgren at 
><mailto:bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org or 
>(617) 641-9131.
>New opportunity to participate:
>Parklands Ambassadors
>Do you love the Charles River Parklands, meeting new people and spending 
>time along the river?  Are you interested in becoming an expert in the 
>history and ecology of the Charles River Parklands?  If so, then becoming 
>a Charles River Conservancy Parklands Ambassador is perfect for you!  To 
>learn more about the 
>Ambassador Program click 
>Charles River Conservancy E-Newsletter
>Advocacy: Pathway improvement
>Thank you to the volunteers who helped us with the Dr. Paul Dudley White 
>pathway survey.  A full report has now been submitted to the DCR and is 
>also available for public review in PDF form on the CRC's website.   We 
>recommend that a pedestrian light be added at the intersection of River 
>Street Bridge and Soldier's Field Road and the stretch to the Western 
>Avenue Bridge be widened for bikers and pedestrians.
>the report. (Warning this a very large file.) Please direct your questions 
>and comments to Kol Peterson 
><mailto:kbp at charlesriverconservancy.org>kbp at charlesriverconservancy.org.
>>Program Spotlight:
>>Skatepark Fundraising Event: Rye Airfield, Rye, NH
>>The CRC, with Rye Airfield, Etnies and 5boro, hosted a Charles River 
>>Skatepark fundraising event on Saturday, February 21st, at Rye Airfield 
>>in Rye, New Hampshire.  Through a raffle, money was raised for the 
>>Charles River Skatepark Fund.  Thanks to a generous donor, all 
>>contributions by skateboaders were quadrupled.  The CRC has now raised 
>>over $128,000 toward the goal of $1.1 million.  To learn more about the 
>>Charles River Skatepark or to contribute, visit the new and expanded 
>>River Skatepark page!
>>Skatepark in the 
>>    * "Charles River Skate Park a constructive solution,"  Renata von 
>> Tscharner  Boston Business Journal Feb. 20, 2004.
>>    * "Wheels in motion on Cambridge skateboard park," Tony 
>> Chamberlain  Boston Globe Sports Feb. 18, 2004.
>>"Funds roll in for local skateboard park,"  Cosmo Macero Jr. Sunday 
>>Boston Herald Feb. 8, 2004.
>>CRC in the News:
>>In addition to the skatepark stories, there have been some great CRC 
>>stories in the news recently.  If you would like to receive a copy of an 
>>article, email 
>><mailto:crc at charlesriverconservancy.org>crc at charlesriverconservancy.org 
>>with your name and address.
>>    * "Finding Value in a Forgotten Boston Parklands Vision." Renata von 
>> Tscharner, Banker and Tradesman Feb. 23, 2004.
>>    * "Skatepark Sculpture," Beacon Hill Times Feb. 17, 2004.
>>    * "Pruners brave big chill to help along banks of the Charles," Casey 
>> Lyons Allston Brighton TAB, Feb. 6, 2004.
>>CRC Calendar:
>> From guided tours in the Charles River Parklands, to tree pruning, to 
>> taking a jog or bike ride; despite the chilly temperatures, there are 
>> plenty of ways to enjoy the Charles River Parklands.  For a list of 
>> upcoming events, visit the 
>> <http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/calendar/calendar.html>CRC Calendar.
>>New CRC Board member:
>>The Charles River Conservancy is pleased to announce David Ellis, former 
>>president of the Museum of Science and past president of Lafayette 
>>College, as the newest member of the CRC Board of Directors.
>>Picture of the Month:
>>intersection of River Street and Storrow Drive (left side of the closest 
>>bridge) and the adjacent stretch of pathway have persistently been a 
>>cause of frustration for pathway users and are the focus of the newly 
>>released Dudley White Pathway Project.  To view the photo of the month, 
>>We need your support:
>>support enables us to continue working on your behalf to renew the 
>>Charles River Parklands.  If you've already given recently, thank you, 
>>but please consider making an additional gift.  Contributions can be made 
>><https://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/membership/index.php>on line or 
>>by mail.
>>Our mailing address is:
>>The Charles River Conservancy  -  104 Eldredge Street  -  Newton, MA 02458
>>The Charles River Conservancy takes as its mission the renewal and 
>>stewardship of the Charles River Parklands The Conservancy engages in 
>>numerous Parklands restoration and improvement initiatives, including 
>>access and safety, education and outreach, and planning and maintenance 
>>programs, and relies heavily on individual contributions.  To support the 
>>Charles River Conservancy, click 
>><https://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/membership/index.php>here. Thank you!
>If you know someone who would enjoy this newsletter, please feel free to 
>pass it along.  Interested readers can subscribe to the e-newsletter by 
>sending an email to 
><mailto:bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org<mailto:bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>, 
>with "subscribe volunteers" as the subject.
>If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, email 
><mailto:bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>bml at charlesriverconservancy.org<mailto:bml at charlesriverconservancy.org> 
>with "unsubscribe" as the subject.
>Britt Lundgren
>Volunteer Coordinator
>Charles River Conservancy
>104 Eldredge St.
>Newton, MA 02458
>fax 617.641.9304
>CRCvolunteers mailing list
>CRCvolunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org
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