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Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 17:08:14 -0500<br>
To: crcvolunteers@charlesriverconservancy.org<br>
From: Britt Lundgren <bml@charlesriverconservancy.org><br>
X-Mailman-Approved-At: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 17:22:10 -0500<br>
Subject: [CRC Volunteers] Conservancy Volunteers March Update<br>
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<b>Greetings, Volunteers,<br><br>
</b>Spring is in the air! Many thanks to everyone who has braved
the cold to help us prune trees this winter. Since we began tree
pruning in November, 120 people have helped us prune trees in 10
different locations in the Parklands. We're going to try to squeeze in
just a few more pruning events before spring is here to stay. If
you can't join us to prune, perhaps you'll be able to join us at one of
the many events we have lined up for April and May. Also, look
below for a GeesePeace update and other Conservancy news. <br><br>
<b>Saturday, March 6 -</b> Tree pruning in Cambridge with Boston
<b><x-tab> </x-tab></b>10:00-2:00
-This event is already nearly full, so sign up soon!<br>
<b>Saturday, March 20</b> Tree pruning<b>.<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab></b>10:00-2:00
- location TBA<b>.</b><br>
<b>Saturday, April 10 -</b> with <a href="http://www.svboston.org">Single
Volunteers Boston</a>.<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>9:00-2:00
Location and project TBA.<br>
<b>Saturday, April 24 - 5th Annual Earth Day Cleanup!<br>
</b><x-tab> </x-tab>Bring
a group or come on your own. We'll be cleaning up the banks of the
river from 9:00-noon, then we'll celebrate with a picnic in Herter Park.
If you are interested in organizing a cleanup for your group,
volunteering individually, or for more information, please contact Teresa
D'Anna at Massachusetts Community Water Watch, 617-287-3866 or
<a href="mailto:teresa@waterwatchonline.org"><u>teresa@waterwatchonline.org</a></u>.
This event is sponsored by the Charles River Watershed Association,
Massachusetts Community Water Watch, Charles River Stream Team, Senator
Steven Tolman's Office, Charles River Conservancy, Esplanade Association,
Clean Charles Coalition, and the Department of Conservation and
<b>Saturday, May 1st</b> - Help keep<b> Earthfest</b>
earth-friendly! We're partnering with <a href="http://www.wbos.com"><b>WBOS</a></b> to make sure that Earthfest is an environmentally friendly event. Volunteers are needed for 3-hour shifts between 9 and 7:30 - pitch in for a few hours and then spend the rest of the day enjoying the great music from the VIP seating section. <br>
To participate in any of these events, please contact Britt Lundgren at <a href="mailto:bml@charlesriverconservancy.org"><u>bml@charlesriverconservancy.org</a></u>, or call 617-641-9131.<br>
The spring and summer Conservancy Volunteers schedule is filling up fast with brush cutting, invasive plant removal and erosion control projects! Now is the time to<b> set up a service day for your company or community group</b> by contacting volunteer coordinator, Britt Lundgren at <a href="mailto:bml@charlesriverconservancy.org">bml@charlesriverconservancy.org</a> or (617) 641-9131.<br>
<b>Geesepeace Update and Certification:</b><br>
The growing presence of resident Canada Geese along the Charles River has become controversial: while they are beautiful to behold, their large population has started to strain the capacity of the parks and the patience of those who use the playing fields, lawns, and docks along the river. The <a href="http://www.livingwithwildlife.org">Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals</a> (MSPCA) and the Department of Conservation and Recreation have enlisted the support of the CRC and the Esplanade Association to implement the Geesepeace program, a nationally recognized program that humanely resolves the conflicts between people and Canada geese. The GeesePeace model uses a three part approach, which focuses on eliminating feeding of waterfowl through public education, goose population stabilization through egg oiling, and herding birds from low tolerance areas like ball fields. <br>
Certification workshops will be held on March 30 and April 1, in the evening. To sign up, or to learn more about this effort and how you can help, contact Britt Lundgren at <a href="mailto:bml@charlesriverconservancy.org">bml@charlesriverconservancy.org</a> or (617) 641-9131. <br>
<b>New opportunity to participate:<br>
Parklands Ambassadors</b><br>
Do you love the Charles River Parklands, meeting new people and spending time along the river? Are you interested in becoming an expert in the history and ecology of the Charles River Parklands? If so, then becoming a Charles River Conservancy Parklands Ambassador is perfect for you! To learn more about the <a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/get_involved/volunteer/parklands_ambassador.html">Parklands Ambassador Program click here</a><a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/get_involved/volunteer/parklands_ambassador.html">.</a><br>
<b>Charles River Conservancy E-Newsletter<br>
Advocacy: Pathway improvement</b><br>
Thank you to the volunteers who helped us with the Dr. Paul Dudley White pathway survey. A full report has now been submitted to the DCR and is also available for public review in PDF form on the CRC's website. We recommend that a pedestrian light be added at the intersection of River Street Bridge and Soldier's Field Road and the stretch to the Western Avenue Bridge be widened for bikers and pedestrians. <br>
<a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/projects/pathways/DudleyWhitePathwayProj.pdf">View the report.</a> (Warning this a very large file.) Please direct your questions and comments to Kol Peterson at<a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/projects/pathways/DudleyWhitePathwayProj.pdf"> </a><a href="mailto:kbp@charlesriverconservancy.org">kbp@charlesriverconservancy.org.</a><br>
<b> </b><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><b>Program Spotlight:</b><br>
<b>Skatepark Fundraising Event: Rye Airfield, Rye, NH<br>
</b>The CRC, with Rye Airfield, Etnies and 5boro, hosted a Charles River Skatepark fundraising event on Saturday, February 21st, at Rye Airfield in Rye, New Hampshire. Through a raffle, money was raised for the Charles River Skatepark Fund. Thanks to a generous donor, all contributions by skateboaders were quadrupled. The CRC has now raised over $128,000 toward the goal of $1.1 million. To learn more about the Charles River Skatepark or to contribute, visit the new and expanded <a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/projects/Skatepark/index.html">Charles River Skatepark page!<br>
</a><b>Skatepark in the news:</b><a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/projects/Skatepark/index.html"></a>
<li>"Charles River Skate Park a constructive solution," Renata von Tscharner <i> Boston Business Journal</i> Feb. 20, 2004.
<li>"Wheels in motion on Cambridge skateboard park," Tony Chamberlain<i> Boston Globe Sports</i> Feb. 18, 2004.
</ul>"Funds roll in for local skateboard park," Cosmo Macero Jr.<i> Sunday Boston Herald</i> Feb. 8, 2004.<br>
<b> <br>
CRC in the News:<br>
</b>In addition to the skatepark stories, there have been some great CRC stories in the news recently. If you would like to receive a copy of an article, email <a href="mailto:crc@charlesriverconservancy.org">crc@charlesriverconservancy.org with your name and address.</a>
<li>"Finding Value in a Forgotten Boston Parklands Vision." Renata von Tscharner,<i> Banker and Tradesman</i> Feb. 23, 2004.
<li>"Skatepark Sculpture,"<i> Beacon Hill Times</i> Feb. 17, 2004.
<li>"Pruners brave big chill to help along banks of the Charles," Casey Lyons<i> Allston Brighton TAB</i>, Feb. 6, 2004.
</ul><b>CRC Calendar:<br>
</b>From guided tours in the Charles River Parklands, to tree pruning, to taking a jog or bike ride; despite the chilly temperatures, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the Charles River Parklands. For a list of upcoming events, visit the <a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/calendar/calendar.html">CRC Calendar. <br>
</a><b>New CRC Board member:<br>
</b>The Charles River Conservancy is pleased to announce David Ellis, former president of the Museum of Science and past president of Lafayette College, as the newest member of the CRC Board of Directors.<b><br>
</b> <br>
<b>Picture of the Month:<br>
</b><a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/calendar/calendar.html">The intersection of River Street and Storrow Drive (left side of the closest bridge) and the adjacent stretch of pathway have persistently been a cause of frustration for pathway users and are the focus of the newly released Dudley White Pathway Project. To view the photo of the month, </a><a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/images/pix_of_month/2004_02_AerialRiverBridges.jpg">click here.<br>
</a><b>We need your support:<br>
</b><a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/images/pix_of_month/2004_02_AerialRiverBridges.jpg">Your support enables us to continue working on your behalf to renew the Charles River Parklands. If you've already given recently, thank you, but please consider making an additional gift. Contributions can be made </a><a href="https://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/membership/index.php">on line or by mail.<br>
Our mailing address is:<br>
The Charles River Conservancy - 104 Eldredge Street - Newton, MA 02458<br>
The Charles River Conservancy takes as its mission the renewal and stewardship of the Charles River Parklands The Conservancy engages in numerous Parklands restoration and improvement initiatives, including access and safety, education and outreach, and planning and maintenance programs, and relies heavily on individual contributions. To support the Charles River Conservancy, click </a><a href="https://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/membership/index.php">here. Thank you!</a></blockquote><br>
If you know someone who would enjoy this newsletter, please feel free to pass it along. Interested readers can subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending an email to <a href="mailto:bml@charlesriverconservancy.org"><u>bml@charlesriverconservancy.org</a></u><a href="mailto:bml@charlesriverconservancy.org">, with "subscribe volunteers" as the subject.<br>
If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, email <a href="mailto:bml@charlesriverconservancy.org"><u>bml@charlesriverconservancy.org</a></u><a href="mailto:bml@charlesriverconservancy.org"> with "unsubscribe" as the subject.<br><br>
</pre><font face="Courier New, Courier"></font><font face="Times New Roman, Times">Britt Lundgren<br>
Volunteer Coordinator</font><br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times">Charles River Conservancy<br>
104 Eldredge St.<br>
Newton, MA 02458</font><br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times">617.641.9131</font><br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times">fax 617.641.9304</font><br>
<a href="http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/" eudora="autourl">http://www.charlesriverconservancy.org/</a><br>
CRCvolunteers mailing list<br>
<a href="http://www.actwin.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/crcvolunteers" eudora="autourl">http://www.actwin.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/crcvolunteers</a></blockquote></body>