[Save] Climate Campaign Announcements: 2.28.04

Billy Parish billy.parish at yale.edu
Mon Mar 1 12:00:32 EST 2004

Hey Everyone:

We have state media databases, compiled climate 
campaign resources and other great 
resources/articles/events in upcoming 
announcements, but check out this short list:

1. NEW State Listserves on RiseUp (We are not using Yahoogroups anymore)
2. Internship and Evaluation Reminder
3. LOTS of Environmental Fellowships and 
Scholarships (New: Brower Youth Awards)
4. New England Climate Calendar
5. Public Debate on Wind Energy at BU

1.  State Listserves on RiseUp
I have added all of you - from the northeast, at 
least - to a) your state Climate Campaign 
listserve and b) this Climate Campaign announce 
listserve, both hosted by RiseUp.  The Climate 
Campaign announce listserve will go out 4-8 times 
per month (send anything you want in the 
newsletter to me), and the state listserves are 
open to posting by listserve members.

A few notes/guidelines:
-the email address of each state listserve is: 
climatecampaign-[state initials]@lists.riseup.net
email to: climatecampaign-[state 
initials]-unsubscribe at lists.riseup.net.  IT IS 
ALSO EASY TO SUBSCRIBE people.  All they have to 
do is email: climatecampaign-[state 
initials]-subscribe at lists.riseup.net.
-DO NOT SPAM the state listserves.  Some of them 
have 100+ people on them, who will unsubscribe 
and stop reading them if they become too high 
density.  Assign individuals to coordinate 
collecting specific information (like votes, 
dates, attendance at events, etc.)
-Please use them to share ideas, coordinate 
events and actions, set up conference calls, etc. 
- They are a great resource!

2. Internship and Evaluation Reminder

Internship applications are due THIS MONDAY, 
March 1st.  If you want to apply, but can't get 
it in that quickly, please let me know.  Interns 
will work closely with a climate campaign partner 
organizer and with their state energy advocate.
The internship application and the conference evaluation are attached.

3. Fellowships and Scholarships

I sent some of these out before the conference, 
but for those of you who are new to the list, 
here is a good list of environmentally-related 
scholarships and fellowships:


Honoring Youth Leadership in Conservation, Preservation and Restoration
WHAT:   Annual youth leadership program honoring 
six outstanding young people from across the 
country who are working for environmental 
Conservation, Preservation, and Restoration - 
what David Brower called  "CPR for the Earth." 

Brower Youth Awards National Partner 
Organizations: Bioneers (Collective Heritage 
Institute) - Center for Environmental Citizenship 
(EnviroCitizen) - Earth Force - Free the Planet! 
- Green Corps - Kids For A Clean Environment 
(Kids FACE) - National Wildlife Federation - 
Rainforest Action Network - Roots and Shoots 
(Jane Goodall Institute) - Sierra Student 
Coalition - Student Conservation Association 
(SCA) - Student Environmental Action Coalition 
(SEAC) - Student PIRGs - Youth for Environmental 
Sanity (YES!) - Yosemite National Institute

2004 Applications Now Available on-line 
www.earthisland.org/bya or e-mail 
bya at earthisland.org
Successful applicants will have played the major 
leadership role in a project that has produced a 
measurable and beneficial environmental impact in 
the following areas:
CONSERVATION is work to eliminate or decrease our 
use of natural resources and our negative impacts 
on ecosystems and communities, for example:  A
project that plays a substantial role in 
organizing a local community to pass a public 
transportation initiative
PRESERVATION is work to protect ecosystems, 
species, indigenous cultures and other 
irreplaceable elements of the world's natural 
heritage, for
example:  A project that plays a substantial role 
in blocking development of Native sacred sites 
via ongoing peaceful civil disobedience, 
demonstrations, street theater, or other tactics.
RESTORATION is work to re-establish the healthy 
functioning of ecosystems; parts of ecosystems; 
and human communities that manage ecosystems, for 
example:  A project that rallies a community to 
clean up a critical section of creek and plants 
native species along the banks to create fish 

4. New England Climate Calendar
Event Publicity Builds the Movement!

See New England Climate & Enviro Calendar: 
To subscribe, send blank email to: 
<mailto:CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com>CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com
Please send me listings & URL's for your college, 
environment deptartments, or organizations events 
calendar or home page. 
Thanks!  Michael Charney, editor: 
<mailto:cambclimact at aol.com>cambclimact at aol.com ; 

5. Public Debate on Wind Energy (FREE)
Wednesday, March 10
7:00 – 9:00 PM
GSU Student Union, 775 Commonwealth Ave., Boston University

On Wednesday night, March 10, The Northeast 
Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) will host 
a free public event focusing on offshore wind in 
New England in conjunction with their Building 
Energy 2004 conference and trade show. The recent 
controversy surrounding the Cape Wind project 
that is planned for off the shore of 
Massachusetts has brought into focus the debate 
over clean energy in the 21st century. Join some 
of the nation's foremost experts on offshore wind 
for what we are sure will prove to be an 
interesting, enlightening, and informative 

Full details available on the NESEA website at 

WANTED: Dedicated friends of the environment to 
pound the pavement and post some fliers about the 
Wind Energy Debate.  NESEA is willing to provide 
a free pass to the Building Energy 2004 
conference to anyone willing to post fliers in 
prominent places in the Boston area to attract 
people to this event.  For more information 
contact Jonathan Tauer at NESEA.  
<mailto:jtauer at nesea.org>jtauer at nesea.org

bparish at climatecampaign.org
(203) 773 - 4991 (office)
(203) 887 - 7225 (cell)

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