[Save] Fwd: enviroforum

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 9 18:25:14 EST 2004

>Mark your calendars!  The next EnviroForum is coming in a few weeks.  In 
>case you missed the last one in November (which was a great success), 
>EnviroForums are a series of events supported by Chancellor Clay that are 
>designed to bring together MIT's diverse community interested in the 
>issues of environment, sustainability, and related issues.  Each event 
>will provide an opportunity for attendees to meet like-minded individuals 
>for networking, socializing, and informal conversation.  Attendees include 
>MIT graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, researchers, staff, and 
>members of the administration.
>MIT's second EnviroForum takes place Thursday, January 22 from 4:00-6:00 
>pm in Lobby 13 and will focus on opportunities for innovative, 
>multidisciplinary research.  MIT Chief Facilities Officer Victoria 
>Sirianni will discuss collaboration efforts between faculty, students, and 
>facilities on key efforts to enhance MIT's environmental 
>performance.  EAPS Professor Kip Hodges will highlight education and 
>research benefits of treating the campus as a learning laboratory.  We 
>also will have displays at this event presented by researchers, student 
>groups, and operations divisions that describe a variety of work being 
>conducted at MIT related to environmental issues.  We hope that you will 
>use the time after the brief presentations from the speakers to look at 
>the displays and establish links among your work and other activities 
>conducted at MIT.  As before, refreshments will be provided.
>Feel free to forward this message to all interested parties.  If you are 
>interested in presenting a poster, please send me a message 
>(jgregory at mit.edu) and we will be sure to reserve a space for you.
>We look forward to seeing you on the 22nd!
>Members of the EnviroForum Organizing Task Force:
>Justin Adams, Environmental Programs Office
>Jim Curtis, Environmental Programs Office
>Matthew Gardner, Ph.D., Program Administrator, Earth Systems Initiative
>Amanda Graham, Ph.D., Education Program Manager, LFEE
>Jeremy Gregory, Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student
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