[Save] Fwd: Enviroforum

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 7 16:19:41 EST 2004

>Dear SAVE,
>I am contacting you on behalf of the EnviroForum Organizing Task 
>Force.  EnviroForum is a is a series of events that are designed to bring 
>together MIT's diverse community interested in the issues of environment, 
>sustainability, and related issues.  Each event will provide an 
>opportunity for attendees to meet like-minded individuals for networking, 
>socializing, and informal conversation.  Attendees include MIT graduate 
>and undergraduate students, faculty, researchers, and members of the 
>administration.  The first EnviroForum took place in November  and was a 
>great success.  The topic was "MIT's Environmental Commitments, 
>Challenges, and Actions" and the speakers included Chancellor Clay and 
>Prof. Patrick Jaillet, head of the Civil and Environmental Engineering 
>Our next event will take place on Thursday, January 22nd from 4-6 pm in 
>the lobby of building 13.  The topic for this EnviroForum is 
>"Multidisciplinary Research and Activities at MIT".  The speakers will be 
>Victoria Sirianni, Chief Facilities Officer from the Department of 
>Facilities and Kip Hodges, Professor in the Earth, Atmospheric, and 
>Planetary Sciences Department.  We are particularly interested in bringing 
>together members of the MIT community in the academic and operations 
>arenas to discuss their activities and look for avenues of 
>collaboration.  Given the relevance of your group's activities to 
>environmental issues, I would like to invite you to bring a poster or 
>display to the next Enviroforum.  Many groups often have a poster that 
>they use for events such as this and I hope you have one available that 
>you can share.  If not, a new poster would be just as welcome.  The idea 
>behind the displays is to generate discussion on environmental work being 
>conducted at MIT and create links among the various projects.  We will 
>have tables and wall space available to display the posters.
>If you are interested in sharing a poster at the next Enviroforum, please 
>let me know so that we can be sure to reserve a space for you.  We truly 
>believe that this event can be an enjoyable way for faculty, students, and 
>staff to meet other members of the MIT community who share similar 
>interests and to establish new relationships for future collaborations.
>Thanks for your consideration.
>Members of the EnviroForum Organizing Task Force:
>Justin Adams, Environmental Programs Office
>Jim Curtis, Environmental Programs Office
>Matthew Gardner, Ph.D., Program Administrator, Earth Systems Initiative
>Amanda Graham, Ph.D., Education Program Manager, LFEE
>Jeremy Gregory, Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student

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