[Save] Award winning documentary 'Drowned Out' with filmmaker Saturday, November 1st, 1:00 PM

Anke Hildebrandt hildebra at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 30 11:15:22 EST 2003

                                      'Drowned Out'

A Documentary about the struggle against the damming of the Narmada River
in India.  A  moving film that documents the peoples' fight to save their
land, livelihood, and dignity.

Award winning director Franny Armstrong will be there to answer questions.
There will also be an update on the situation on the ground.

When: Saturday, November 1st, 1:00 PM

Duration : 75 minutes (English & parts with English subtitles)

Where: MIT Room number 54-100

street address: Access Via 21 Ames Street , Cambridge

Suggested donation: $5  (or more if you want, money
raised will go to spanner films)

Sponsored by:
AID Boston
Amnesty International  group 133
Alliance for Secular and Democracatic South Asia

"We will drown, but we will not move" - Luhariya Sonkariya
An Indian family decide to stay at home and drown rather than make
way for the Narmada dam.

"This is the heart of politics, this is the story of modern India" -
Arundhati Roy

Three choices. Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a
resettlement site or stay at home and drown. The people of Jalsindhi
in central India must make a decision fast. In the next few weeks,
their village will disappear underwater as the giant Narmada
Dam fills.

Bestselling author Arundhati Roy joins the fight against the dam and
asks the difficult questions. Will the water go to poor farmers or to
rich industrialists? What happened to the 16 million people displaced
by fifty years of dam building? Why should I care?

Drowned Out follows the Jalsindhi villagers through hunger strikes,
rallies, police brutality and a six-year Supreme Court case. It stays
with them as the dam fills and the river starts to rise...

For Information on Narmada Struggle visit:

For more information about the documentary and Franny Armstrong, visit


About Amnesty International
Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide campaigning movement that
works to promote  internationally recognized human rights.

About AID Boston
Association for India's Development (AID) is a 501(C) (3)
(Federal Tax-ID 52-1863480) non-profit charitable organization.
Started in 1991 by graduate students at the University of Maryland,
AID has been raising awareness on development issues and supporting
many community development efforts in India.

About Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia
The Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia was formed in
1993 to combat rising religious intolerance in South Asia and to
campaign for peace and justice in the region. We are committed to
working towards a just, non-violent resolution of the crisis we are
currently living through.


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