[Save] Mellon-MIT Inter-Univ. Grants Program on NGOs and Forced Migration

sarah anderson sarahwa at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 30 09:59:29 EST 2003



Purpose: To stimulate applied research and training on policy issues that 
concern NGOs working with refugees and the internally displaced; to promote 
dialogue between NGOs and researchers at qualified institutions: Boston 
University, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Harvard University, 
MIT, Tufts University, and Wellesley College.

Approach: Applicants are encouraged to develop their proposals in 
collaboration with one or more NGOs actively interested in a proposed 
research topic. Oxfam America, CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Grassroots 
International, The International Rescue Committee, Save the Children, World 
Education, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for 
Refugees (UNHCR) are amongst the organizations that have worked with 
grantees on research topics of mutual concern.

Awards range from $4,000 to $6,000 for graduate student research projects 
and up to $10,000 for faculty or senior researchers. Grants may be used 
alone or in conjunction with other funding sources for purposes such as 
travel, materials, research expenses, student "research internships" in 
NGO/UNHCR settings, or the organization of workshops on topics related to 
the overall objectives of the Program.

Further information: Full Program Announcement and information about past 
grant awards are available at:
Please contact Sarah Anderson, CIS, (617-253-8306; sarahwa at mit.edu; 
E38-600) with questions.

Application deadline is Monday, January 12, 2004 to the Center for 
International Studies, MIT.

Sarah Anderson
Senior Program Assistant
Inter-University Committee on International Migration
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
292 Main Street (E38-600)
Cambridge MA 02139
phone 617-253-8306
fax 617-253-9330
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