[Save] NE Climate & Enviro Calendar * 12/13/03 - 12/2/04

Michael Charney cambclimact at aol.com
Sat Dec 13 10:58:45 EST 2003

CAMBRIDGE CLIMATE CALENDAR     Dec 13, 2003 – Feb 3, ‘04
  Climate, Envir & Sustainability Events for MA & NE

Correct date: 12/16 - Why Save the Middlesex Fells? Medford, MA

Editor’s Choice:
12/16 - NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Theater. Camb
*12/16 - CT Faith Community for Renewable Energy. W. Hartford, CT
12/16 GHG Banking & Trading Rules Devlpmt Stakeholder Mtg. Boston
12/16 CERC/Coalitn Envir Respnsble Convntns Holiday Party. Boston
*2/3 – 5/4/04  Course: Human Health & Global Envir Change. Boston
*2/20-22/04  [Student] Northeast Climate Conf. Camb
*2/22 – 24/04 Bloome Jewish Enviro Leadership Inst. Boston

>>  Scroll Down For Full Index & Detailed Listings

Policy & Politics:
*White House Attacked for Letting States Lead on Climate (NYT) & 
     URLs for State Climate Initiatives:  See Resources below.
*Bush Enviro Record: http://www.environment2004.org/documents.php 
*League of Conservatn Voters’ Candidate Profiles: http://www.lcv.org 
*Presidential Candidates’ Web Enviro Claims: See Resources below

*Major Investor Summit at UN Forms Network on Climate Risk 
      http://www.incr.com/news_release.htm   (11/21/03)
*This Overheating World: Granta 83. 

*For Clean, Renewable Energy, to protect Endangered Species, 
     Clean Water & Air: http://www.saveourenvironment.org 

  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

End of year giving? 
Please consider: a tax deductible contribution for MCAN & 
CCC with a check payable to Commonwealth Foundation. 
Mail to: MCAN, c/o Marc Breslow, 86 Milton St, Arlington, MA 02474

  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Build the E-Movement ~ Tell friends about this Calendar!

Subscribe? blank email to: CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com 
Link Websites to CCC: http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
Submit Events: CambClimAct at aol.com  See website for guidelines.
Local Climate Activism: http://www.massclimateaction.org    


INDEX:                              *   = New




Now - 1/19/04 Big & Green: Toward Sustnble Archit in 21st Cent. NYC
Now - 12/16 Africa: The Serengeti (Omni Film). Boston
Now thru 1/04 - Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees (Omni Film). Boston

Saturday, December 13 
12/13 Commercial Wind Farms & Ridgeline Develpmt in VT. Orleans, VT
*12/13 - Clean Power Now: Mid-Lower Cape Chptr Mtg. Orleans, MA
*12/13 - Bhopal Documentary: 'Hunting Warren Anderson.' Camb
[Correct date: 12/16 - Why Save the Middlesex Fells? Medford, MA]

Sunday, December 14
12/14 - Indoor Environmental Issues. Camb
12/14 - Living on Earth: Enviro Radio. NPR, WBUR, WUMB, Web

Tuesday, December 16
12/16 - Ensemble Climate Predictns w. Coupled Model. Woods Hole, MA 
12/16 - NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Theater. Camb
*12/16 - Designing Top Energy Performing Bldgs. Internet
*12/16 - CT Faith Community for Renewable Energy. W. Hartford, CT
12/16 GHG Banking & Trading Rules Devlpmt Stakeholder Mtg. Boston
12/16 - Why Save the Middlesex Fells? Medford, MA [corrected]

Wednesday, December 17
*12/17 - Maine GHG Initiative Stakeholder Mtg. Augusta, ME

Thursday, December 18
12/18 - Info Systems to Reduce Latin Amer Land Conflicts. Camb 

Friday, December 19
12/19 - Local Perceptions of Wildland Fire Risk. Petersham, MA
12/19 – Aerosol Sites for Heterogeneous Chemistry. Camb
12/19 - NWF Campus Ecology Fellowship RFP Due.

Sunday, December 21
12/21 - Living on Earth: Enviro Radio. NPR, WBUR, WUMB, Web



January 5-8, 2004  
1/5-8  Sustnbl [Military] Range Mngmt Conf, New Orleans, LA

January 6-8, 2004
1/6-8/04 Oil Change: National Summit on Petropolitics. Wash, DC

Friday, January 9, 2004
1/9 - Behavioral Economics & Risk Analysis. Boston

Saturday, January 10
*1/10/04 – Propsd DOE GHG Reporting Guidelines Wkshp. Wash, DC
*12/19 - *NWF Campus Ecology Fellowship Program. RFPs due.

Saturday, January 24
1/24/04 - NOFA / MA Winter Conf. Barre, MA

January 25–28, 2004
1/25-28/04 NE Water Enviro Assn Ann Conf. Boston, MA

Tuesday, January 27, 2004
1/27 Conservatn At Landscape Scale: Models/Strategies. Burlington, VT
*1/27/04 - Low Impact Devlpmnt Stormwater Controls. Everett, MA

Wednesday January 28, 2004
1/28/04 - Hydrogen Based Economy--Dream or Reality? Boston

January 29 & 30, 2004
1/29-30/04 Water for a Sustainable & Secure Future. Wash, DC

Mondays, February 2 - May 24, 2004
2/2 – 5/24/04 Course #E-105: Strategies for Enviro Mngmt. Camb/Dist

Tuesday, February 3, 2004
2/3/04 - Northeast Green Bldg Awards: Call for Entries.

Tuesday, February 3, 2004
2/3/04 – Comments Due: DOE GHG Inventory Reporting Guidelines.

Tuesdays: February 3 – May 4, 2004
*2/3 – 5/4  Course: Human Health & Global Envir Change. Boston

For listings after 2/3 see http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
& click Beyond



NOW to JAN 19, 2004
Big & Green: Toward Sustainable Archit in 21st Cent. 
Museum of City of NY, 1220 Fifth Ave (at 103rd St), NYC. 

NOW to DEC 16
Africa: The Serengeti, Omni Film, Boston Museum of Science.
Info: http://tickets.mos.org/?action=showevent;event_id=79

Thru JAN 2004
Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees, Omni Film, Boston Museum of 
Sci. Info: http://tickets.mos.org/?action=showevent;event_id=237 

Public Info Mtg on Constructing Commercial Wind Farms on VT
Ridgelines, Senate Institutions Committee; re: Revising Act 248.  
9 am – 1 pm, Lake Region Union High Schl, Orleans, VT (No'east 
Kingdom). Info: villuzzi at leg.state.vt.us, 802-754-9939 

*SAT, DEC 13
Clean Power Now: Mid-Lower Cape Chptr Mtg. Presentatn on 
Cape Wind Proposal for Nantucket Sound, Chuck Kleecamp. 
1:30 -3 pm, Snow Library, 67 Main St, Orleans, MA   
Info: 508-255-8870, http://www.cleanpowernow.org 

*SAT, DEC 13
Bhopal Documentary: 'Hunting Warren Anderson' (by Amos 
Cohen). On seeking redress for corporate culpability. 6 pm, 
MIT, Bldg 6 - Rm 120, 182 Memorial Dr, (rear) or via 
77 Mass Ave, Camb Info: mokshay at dam.brown.edu  Map: 

[NOTE: Correct date is TUES, DEC 16
Why Save the Middlesex Fells? A Rich Past & Present
Mike Ryan (President of the Friends of the Fells).
7 pm, Medford Public Library, 111 High St, Medford
Square, Medford, MA. Info: 781-316-3438, 
janet at mysticriver.org, http://www.mysticriver.org]

Indoor Environmental Issues, Jeffrey May.  3 pm, Veggie 
Planet/Club Passim, 47 Palmer St,  Harvard Sq, Camb. 

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 91.9 
fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm Newburyport, & 
WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. 
Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  http://www.wumb.org  
Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm

Ensemble Climate Predictions Using a Global Model Coupling 
Economics, Chemistry, Climate Dynamics & Ecosystems, Ron Prinn, 
MIT. 12:15 am - 1 pm, Whitman Auditorium,Marine Biol Lab, Woods 
Hole, MA  Info: http://ecosystems.mbl.edu/WoodsHole/seminars.html 
Dir: http://www.mbl.edu/inside/visit/directions/index.html 

NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Thtr: An Hour of Spectacular
Visualizatn (Global atmospheric, oceanic & biospheric processes);
w Fritz Hasler (Leader, Visualizatn & Analysis Lab, NASA/GSFC).  
1 pm, Harvard U, Science Ctr - Auditrm D, 1 Oxford St, Camb 
Info: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/hasler/etheater.html 

*TUE, DEC 16
Designing Top Energy Performing Bldgs Internet presentatn re:
Target Finder (an ENERGY STAR software tool), energy simulatn 
Modeling, & LEED rating system. 1 -1:45 pm EST. Internet. Info:

*TUE, DEC 16
Connecticut Religious Community Press Conference to Declare
Commitment to Goal of 20% Renewable Energy in their facilities & 
bldgs by 2010. 2 pm, Unity Church, 730 Farmington Ave, (corner 
Walbridge St), West Hartford, CT  Spkrs: Bishop James E. Curry 
(Episcopal Diocese of CT)Reverend Gordon Bates (Justice Witness 
Minister, CT United Church of Christ). Rabbi Andrea Cohen-Kiener  
(Dir, Interreligious Eco-Justice Netwk; EAD Environmental & 
SmartPower. Info: http://www.irejn.org info at irejn.org 860-896-0110

MA GHG Banking & Trading Rules Develpmt Stakeholders’ Mtg: 
To discuss Regnl Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) work plan &
stakeholder process plan. 1:30 - 3:30 pm, DEP Boston Office – 
One Winter St, 2nd Flr Conf Rms A & B, Boston. T: Down Town 
X-ing. Info/Request RGGI docs: 617-556-1020; 617-654-6593.
Mtg call in #: 800-207-5493, enter: 348761.

CERC - Coalition for Envir Responsible Conventions Holiday 
Gathering. 5:30 – 8 pm, Hub Pub, 18 Province St, Boston (off 
Bromfield St). T: Downtown X-ing or Park. Pls RSVP if poss; 
$5-10. Info: amyperl at post.harvard.edu  http://www.cerc04.org 

TUES, DEC 16  [Please note corrected date]
Why Save the Middlesex Fells? A Rich Past & Present
Mike Ryan (President of the Friends of the Fells).
7 pm, Medford Public Library, 111 High St, Medford
Square, Medford, MA. Info: 781-316-3438, 
janet at mysticriver.org, http://www.mysticriver.org

*TUE, DEC 16
Salem Alliance for Envir (SAFE) mtg. 7:15 pm, First Church, 
Office Entrance, 316 Essex St, Salem, MA. Agenda/Info:
http://www.salemsafe.org  cbkeegan at comcast.net, 

*WED, DEC 17
Maine GHG Initiative Stakeholder Advisory Group & Planning 
Process “Mtg #2”. Pine Tree State Arboretum, 153 Hospital St,
Augusta, ME  Info: http://maineghg.raabassociates.org 
tpeterson at ccap.org 

Land Info Systems as a Tool for Mitigating Land Use Conflicts in 
Latin America, Prof Diego Erba (GIS Applics& Digital Cartography, 
Brazil). Lincoln Inst of Land Policy, 113 Brattle St, Camb. Info: 

Local Residents' Perceptions of Wildland Fire Risk & Hazard 
Reductn Strategies in the Northeast, Robert Ryan (Landscape Arch 
& Regnl Planning Dept UMass). 11 am, Seminar rm, Shaler Hall, 
Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA Info: 

FRI, DEC 19 
Organic Aerosols as Cloud Condensation Nuclei & as Sites for 
Heterogeneous Chemistry, Jonathan Abbatt (U Toronto). Noon, 
Pierce Hall, Rm 100F, 29 Oxford St, 
Harvard U, Camb Map: http://www.map.harvard.edu 
Info: http://www.as.harvard.edu/seminars/seminars.html

Nat’l Wildlife Federatn's Campus Ecology Fellowship 
Program Request for Proposals Due. Info:

Living on Earth: Enviro Radio, Steve Curwood. 8 pm: WUMB 91.9 
fm Boston, Falmouth, Worcester; WUMB 91.7 fm Newburyport, & 
WUMB 1170 am Orleans, MA. 11 pm: WBUR 90.9 fm Boston. 
Web stream/Info: http://www.loe.org  http://www.wumb.org  
Other locales: http://www.loe.org/where/where.htm


JAN 5-8, 2004  
Sustainable [Military] Range Management Conf, New Orleans, LA
Info:  rangecon at battelle.org, http://www.battelle.org/rangecon 

JAN 6-8, 2004
Oil Change: National Summit on Petropolitics - Citizens conf on 
oil, politics & power. Wash, DC Info: http://www.petropolitics.org 

FRI, JAN 9, 2004
Behavioral Economics & Risk Analysis, Deborah Frisch, PhD
(formerly w NSF). 12:30 - 2 pm, Harv Schl Publ Hlth, Francois 
Xavier Bagnoud Bldg, Rm FXB-G13, 677 Huntington Ave, Boston.  
T: Green Line E to Brigham Circle. Info: 
Map: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/maps/lmamap.html 

*SAT, JAN 10, 2004
Wkshp on proposed DOE GHG Emissns & Reductns 
Inventory Reporting Guidelines. Wash, DC.
Info: 1605bgeneralguidelines.comments at hq.doe.gov 

SAT, JAN 24, 2004
NOFA / MA Winter Conf. Quabbin Regnl High Schl, Barre, MA
Info: http://www.nofamass.org/conferences/index.php 
kate at earthlovers.org  413-586-5516

 JAN 25–28, 2004
NE Water Enviro Assn Ann Conf.  Boston Marriott Copley Place 
Hotel, Boston, MA. Call For Papers. Info: http://www.newea.org 

TUE, JAN 27, 2004
Conservation at the Landscape Scale: Emerging Models & Strategies, 
Liz Thompson . 7 pm, Waterman Memorial Lounge, Waterman Bldg, 
UVM Campus, Burlington, VT  Also by web Video Archive. 
Info: http://www.uvm.edu/conservationlectures 

*TUE, JAN 27
Low Impact Development Stormwater Controls, Steve Roy, 
Geosyntec). 7 pm, Everett City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA
Info: janet at mysticriver.org, http://www.mysticriver.org 

WED, JAN 28, 2004
Hydrogen Based Economy--Dream or Reality? Worcester Polytech 
Inst. Faculty Panel. Hydrogen Productn, Intro to Fuel Cells, 
Fuel Cell Powered Airplane. 7 pm, Cahners Theater, 
Museum of Sci, 1 Science Park (O'Brien H’way), Boston.  
T: Green Line Sci Museum stop. Free tickets avail starting 
6 pm, front lobby.  Info: 617-589-0419, Lecture 
Archive: http://www.mos.org/whats_happening/calendar 

JAN 29-30, 2004
 2004  Water for Sustainable & Secure Future: Sci, Policy & Envir. 
Wash, DC Info: http://www.ncseonline.org/NCSEconference 


MON’s, FEB 2 - MAY 24, 2004
Strategies for Enviro Mngmt: Path to sustainable Develpmt, Course 
# E-105: Harvard Ext. Schl. (classroom & distance learning), Dr Robt
Pojasek. 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Harvard, U, Sever Hall Rm 102, Camb
Info/Registr: http://courses.dce.harvard.edu/~envre105  781-641-2422, 
rpojasek at hsph.harvard.edu,  Map: http://www.map.harvard.edu 

*TUE, FEB 3 – MAY 4, 2004
Course: Human Health & Global Envir Change. 2 – 6 pm, Cannon Rm, 
Bldg C, Harvard Medical Schl, Boston. Public audit by arrangement;
online texts, course avail as videotapes & online e-lecture archive.
2/3 - Intro & Overview – Dr Paul Epstein & Enviro 
      Health Hazards & Methods, Dr Howard Hu, HSPH.
2/10 - Changing Biodiversity, EO Wilson, PhD, Harvard 
      & Biodiversity & Human Health, Dr Eric Chivian, HMS.
2/17 - Climate Change & Human Health “In Hot Water” (NE Aquar
       film) Sci & Impacts of Climate Change, James McCarthy, PhD, 
       Harvard; Climate Change & Human Health, Dr Paul Epstein, HMS.
2/24 - Emerging Infectious Diseases: Ecological Principles, Richard 
      Levins, PhD; Envir Factors in Emergence & Resurgence of Infectious 

      Disease, Dr Mary Wilson, MD, HMS/HSPH.
3/2 - Ecological & Geo-political Context: Globalztn & Envir Change, 
      Dessima Williams, PhD, Brandeis; Globalization, Health & Inequity,
      Dr Paul Farmer, HMS.
3/9 - Chemicals & Communities: Heavy Metals, Dr Howard Hu, HSPH; 
   Children & Envir Pollutants, Dr Philip Landrigan, Mt Sinai Schl Med
3/16 - Timeout for Solutions: Latest Sci on Renewable Energy Solutns, 
     Wm Moomaw, PhD, Tufts; Change & Financial Sector, Christopher
     Walker, Swiss Re.
3/30 - Agricultr & Water: Climate Change, Agricultr & Plant Disease,
      Cynthia Rosenzweig, PhD, NASA Goddard Inst & Columbia Earth 
      Inst; Global Water Supply, Daniel Hillel, PhD, Columbia U.
4/6 - Coral Reefs & Forests: Threats to Coral Reefs: Potential Impacts 
    for Human Health, Raymond Hayes, PhD, Howard U College of Med; 
    What Constitutes a Healthy Forest? Wm Schlesinger, PhD, Duke.
4/13 - Food & Envir: Sustainable Fisheries, Carl Safina, PhD, Blue 
    Ocean Inst; Sustainable Agricult, Fred Kirschenmann, PhD 
    Kirschenmann Family Farms.
4/20 - Ecosystems & Solutns for Preserving Global Envir: What 
    Defines Wetlands & What Services Do They Provide? Virginia 
    Burkett, PhD, USGS;  Public Policy, Carol Browner, Albright 
    Grp; Frmr EPA Admin.
4/27 – Solutions: Modrtr Steve Curwood, Living on Earth, NPR; 
     Scientists, Media & Solutns, Cornelia Dean, Ed Sci Times, NYT;
     Financing Global Change: Kyoto & Beyond, Ross Gelbspan, 
     journalist & auth, The Heat Is On.
5/4 - Final Poster Sessn.    Info: chge at hms.harvard.edu,
617-384-8530, http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/course/schedule.htm 
Map/Dir: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/about/mapsdir.html 

TUE, FEB 3, 2004
Northeast Green Building Awards: Call for Entries  
4 pm deadline, NESEA Office. Info: asanborn at nesea.org

Comments due: DOE proposed revised guidelines for voluntary
reporting of GHG emissions & reduction efforts. Info: 
1605bgeneralguidelines.comments at hq.doe.gov 

For listings after 2/3 see http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
& click Beyond

Dear Friend,

Do you appreciate the Cambridge Climate Calendar and 
the grassroots activism of Mass. Climate Action Network? 
Your tax deductible, charitable donation is needed 
& welcome.  Then see your generosity at work at 
& http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 

Please make checks payable to "Commonwealth Foundation,"
(a 501c3), and mail to:

Michael Charney, Editor/Co-chair
PO Box 390554
Cambridge, MA 02139

Give your friends a greener New Year. They can subscribe to
CCC by sending a blank email to: CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com  

Thank you!
MC, ed.

JOBS & RESOURCES    For additional  resources, including 
reports, websites, actions, briefings, jobs etc, see Resources 
at left at http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html

*Act Now for Clean, Renewable Energy, to protect Endangered Species, 
Clean Water & Air: http://www.saveourenvironment.org 

*Environment 2004 Report on Bush Record:
*League of Conservation Voters’ Candidate Profiles: http://www.lcv.org 

Enviro Positions per Pres. Candidate Websites (12/12/03).

Carol Moseley Braun:	http://www.carolforpresident.com None
George Bush:		http://www.georgewbush.com/Environment 
Howard Dean:            http://www.deanforamerica.com > Issues
John Kerry:		http://www.johnkerry.com > Issues
John Edwards: 	        http://www.johnedwards2004.com > More

Wesley Clark: 		http://clark04.com/issues 
Richard Gephardt: 	http://www.dickgephardt2004.com > Issues
Dennis Kucinich: 	http://www.kucinich.us/issues 
Joseph Lieberman: 	http://www.joe2004.com > Issues
Alfred Sharpton:	http://www.sharpton2004.org  > None

*All nat’l parties: 	http://www.politicalindex.com > #8
Democratic Party: 	http://www.democrats.org 
Republican Party: 	http://www.rnc.org 
Green Party: 		http://www.gp.org 
Libertarian Party: 	http://www.lp.org 

*US Statement to Milan Conference re: US Action on Climate

*White House Attacked for Letting States Lead on Climate
See:  NYT 12/11/03 p.22. Soon at: http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 


*West Coast Governors’ Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pact 
(CA, OR, WA): http://www.nrdc.org/media/pressreleases/030922.asp  

*Connecticut Climate Change Stakeholder Dialogue Mtgs. 
Info: tpeterson at ccap.org  http://www.ccap.org 

*Maine GHG Initiative Stakeholder Advisory Group & Planning Process
Mtg Schedule, http://maineghg.raabassociates.org  tpeterson at ccap.org
Docs: http://maineghg.raabassociates.org/events.asp?type=dte 

*Rhode Island Greenhouse Gas Process/Schedule/Docs

*NEGC/ECP Climate Change Action Plan 2001

*Major Investor Summit at UN Forms Network on Climate Risk 
       http://www.incr.com/news_release.htm   (11/21/03)

*Cape and Islands Offshore Wind Process - Facilitators' final report 
See Update at: http://www.raabassociates.org/main/index.asp 

*New Report: State Opportunities for Action: Update of States’ 
*Combined Heat & Power Activities: http://www.aceee.org/pubs/ie032.htm  
Also: EPA’s CHP Partnership: http://www.epa.gov/chp 

*Energy Benchmark for High Performance Bldgs
2003 E-Benchmark™ : http://www.newbuildings.org/ebenchmark 

*Report: Controlling Airport-Related Air Pollution (2.17 MB):

Auths: NESCAUM & CCAP.  Info: jschmidt at ccap.org     

*Voluntr Opp: MASSPIRG:  MA Public Interest Resrch Grp, 
Boston. Info: 617 292 4800, http://www.masspirg.org 

*“Intnat’l Climate Symbol” http://www.saveourclimate.org 

*NWF Campus Ecology Fellowship Program RFP’s due 12/19/03.
Info: http://www.nwf.org/campusEcology/dspFellowships.cfm 

*This Overheating World: Granta 83. 

*The Future is Now: This Overheating World - Radio Archive 12/8/03

Global Warming: Why we don't give a damn. George Marshall, Mark 
Lynas. New Statesman. 12/01/03 http://www.newstatesman.co.uk

Fairwind Vermont:  New org on future of wind energy in VT.  
Info/List serv:  fairwindvt-subscribe at lists.riseup.net   
windfair at webtv.net, http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/fairwindvt 

Position: Adjunct Faculty to teach “Organizatnl Leadership in 
Nonprofit World” at Antioch New England Graduate Schl, Keene, NH; 
Spring ’04 semester. Applic by 12/20. Info: Steven_Chase at antiochne.edu 
 http://esdept.antiochne.edu/advocacy  603-357-3122  x298

Position: Water Watch Organizer, MA Community Water Watch 
Info: 617-292-4800, masswaterwatch at pirg.org 

Pro Bono Legislative Drafting & Research Boston U Schl of Law 
Health & Enviro Legislation Clinic:  Info: cbarr at bu.edu,  
617-353-8388, http://www.bu.edu/law/jd/clinics/probono.html 

Crimes Against Nature, RFK Jr. by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Rolling Stone at: http://www.tompaine.com/feature2.cfm/ID/9468 

Womens’ Survey/Questionnaire on Perception/Use of Outdoors. 

Call for Entries: 2004 Northeast Green Building Awards.
Deadline: 2/3/04, 4 pm. Info: http://www.nesea.org  413-774-6051 x30

Keeping [Nantucket] Sound Safe for Aristocracy
Rich Guys in Motorboats Foment 'Grassroots' Protest of Wind Farm

Harvard Green Campus Initiative Newsletter 

How Green is Your Car? US ‘04 fuel economy data:
http://www.fueleconomy.gov http://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles

Change a Light, Change the World 2003 Campaign. Info: 
http://www.energystar.gov/nationalcampaigns click Change a Light

Enviro Defense “Undoit.org” Global Warming Campaign
http://www.undoit.org  http://www.actionnetwork.org 

Three New Reports on Transportation Energy Issues:
“GHG Reduction thru State & Local Transportatn Planning”:
“Fuel Options for Reducing GHG Emissns from Motor 
Vehicles”: http://climate.volpe.dot.gov/papers.html
“Consumer Views on Transportatn & Energy”:
http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/34468.pdf  (812 kb)
EPA climate chg listservs: http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/listservs

State of The Commons 2003/04: Report to Owners: 

Costs of Inaction: Delaying Action on Global Warming 
Costs Consumers & Envir (report). U.S. PIRG Education Fund. 
At: http://uspirg.org/uspirg.asp?id2=10915&id3=USPIRG& 

How NYC Is Adapting to Global Climate Challenges, 
Living on Earth Special Broadcast: audio, transcript, 
& resources:  http://www.livingonearth.org 

160,000 said dying yearly from global warming. Reuters

CA-CP Climate Solutions for the Northeast Conf Proceedings 
(May 11-13, 2003, Hartford, CT) Online: 

For more Resources, see http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html 
& click Resources on left.


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CCC Website is updated with integrated Index & Detailed Listings, at: http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html
SCROLL DOWN to Detailed Listings section.

Supplements to weekly issue may have Index only, If so, go to Website for full Detailed Listings and Index.
SUBMISSIONS: Climate, enviro & sustainability notices for lectures, events, and resources relevant to Metro-Boston are most welcome.

Send concise text to <CambClimAct at aol.com>  Please no attachments.

Please use a 3.5 inch line with the following order:

00/00 Title 
Brief content description
Sponsor & Contact info

Thank you. - Editor
To subscribe, email: <CambClimCal-subscribe at topica.com>
To unsubscribe, email: <CambClimCal-unsubscribe at topica.com>

Note: The most updated CCC is posted at:  http://tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html

Scroll down below Index for Detailed Listing.

A full archive of CCC may be found at:
Website: http://www.topica.com/lists/CambClimCal
Note: email addresses are abbreviate and functional in archive. 

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