[Save] Visit Mother Earth Monday eveningfrom SPACE! Camb

Michael Charney cambclimact at aol.com
Sun Dec 14 12:33:01 EST 2003

SPECIAL EVENT:  An Hour of Spectacular Visualization!
  Bring it to your college/univ: http://etheater.gsfc.nasa.gov 

MON, DEC 15 [& TUE, DEC 16*]. Camb

WHAT: The NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Theater.

Dr. Arthur Frederick "Fritz" Hasler will screen 
the "NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Theater" 
this Monday night at “38 Cameron” in North 

TIME/DATE:  Monday, December 15, 8 pm
    Come early to assure seating & view photo exhibit.

ADMISSION: $5 Donation

LOCATION:  38 Cameron Ave., Suite 100
North Cambridge, MA (off Mass. Ave, &
just outside of Davis Square)


Mass. Climate Action Network & "38 Cameron"  

The NASA/NOAA Electronic Theater presents Earth 
science observations and visualizations from space 
in a historical perspective. 

Fly in from outer space to Cambridge and Harvard 
University. Zoom through the Cosmos to SLC and 
site of the 2002 Winter Olympics using 1 m 
IKONOS "Spy Satellite" data. 

Contrast the 1972 Apollo 17 "Blue Marble" image 
of the Earth with the latest US and International 
global satellite images that allow us to view our 
Planet from any vantage point.

See the latest spectacular images from NASA/NOAA 
remote sensing missions like Terra, GOES, TRMM, 
SeaWiFS, & Landsat 7, of storms & fires like Hurricane 
Isabel and the LA/San Diego firestorms of 2003. 

Take the pulse of the planet on a daily, annual 
and 30-year time scale. See daily thunderstorms, 
the annual blooming of the northern hemisphere 
landmasses and oceans, fires in Africa, 
dust storms in Iraq, and carbon monoxide exhaust 
from global burning. 

See visualizations featured on Newsweek, TIME, Nat'l 
Geographic, Popular Science covers & National & 
International Network TV. Spectacular new global 
visualizations of the observed and simulated 
atmosphere & oceans are shown. 

See the currents and vortexes in the oceans that bring 
up the nutrients to feed tiny plankton and draw the 
fish, whales and fishermen. See the how the ocean 
blooms in response to El Niño/La Niña climate changes. 

See the global city lights, and the great NE US 
blackout of August 2003 observed by the 
"night-vision" DMSP satellite.

The Etheater will be presented using the latest 
High Definition TV (HDTV) and video projection 
technology on a large screen. See how HDTV is 
revolutionizing the way we do science communication. 

We apologize for this extremely last minute announcement- but the 
opportunity to host this event and find a suitable venue arose at the 
last moment.

Yours truly
Michael Charney, co-chair, Mass. Climate Action Network 
http://ww.massclimateaction.org   & “38 Cameron” 

FYI:  Arrange a viewing next year at your university: 

*Second screening:

NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Thtr: An Hour of Spectacular
Visualizatn (re: Global atmospheric, oceanic & biospheric processes);
w Fritz Hasler (Leader, Visualizatn & Analysis Lab, NASA/GSFC).  
1 pm, Harvard U, Science Ctr - Auditrm D, 1 Oxford St, Camb, MA
Free. Info: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/users/hasler/etheater.html  
Map: http://www.map.harvard.edu/

[from Cambridge Climate Calendar:  
http://www.tufts.edu/tci/Calendar.html ]

Hi all - this is not to be missed!!

Fritz Hasler, head of the Visualization and Analysis Laboratory at 
NASA/GSFC, will present on December 16th at 1pm in Science Center D

"The NASA/NOAA Earth Science Electronic Theater: An Hour of Spectacular 

I saw this show at GSFC a month ago and it is truly spectacular and 
deeply moving....


[Daniel J. Jacob 

Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Engineering 
Division of Engineering & Applied Science, and Department of 
Earth & Planetary Sciences Harvard University.


PROTECT OUR BLUE (& overheating) PLANET!

JOIN:   MASS. CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK http://www.massclimateaction.org 

                a.k.a. Cambridge Climate Calendar

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