[Save] sustainability debate, saturday 6:30pm building 7

K Rhett Nichols krhettn at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 12 17:18:00 EST 2003

Sustainability Debate broadcast
Saturday, Dec. 13, 6.30pm
Building 7, 4th floor, PLAZmA screens 

------- Forwarded Message
From: zeynep at MIT.EDU
To: archall at mit.edu
Subject: 4.607 Debate 2 on PLAZmA

The second debate that took place in Mark Jarzombek's 4.607 is finally going to 
be broadcast on the PLAZmA this Saturday at 6.30. The topic of the debate is 
sustainability. Don't miss the excitement!

4.607 Debate 2 on PLAZmA
Saturday, Dec. 13, 6.30pm

------- End of Forwarded Message

PLASmA are the flat screens around the dome on the 4th floor of
building 7. (near the architecture studios and dome cafe). there is
also one down the hall leading from there toward buliding 10, so there
are plenty to watch on.

- rhett

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