Free to use and past beta (freely available)- collaborative process modeling tool

Rickayzen, Alan alan.rickayzen at
Wed Mar 28 07:10:49 EDT 2012

Dear Workflowers,  (sorry for the delay to my favorite user group - I'd used the wrong address :(  )

Have you ever been on the phone discussing a process and wishing you were in the room with the other person sharing the same whiteboard?

Well, the tool that will give you this magic has now left beta to be Generally Available (i.e. passed SAP quality assurance tests etc.)

I'd blogged before about how you can use it for SAP Business Workflow and now here's the blog (including that link) which explains the whole thing in detail.

To access the tool you simply log on to<> (or for SCN users wanting to avoid an additional logon) and select the tool from the "modeling" tab.

We have an ASUG webcast scheduled (17th April I think) but since this is available world-wide I'm quite happy synching up online with any individuals wanting to know more (once you've tried it yourself.)

Best regards,

Alan Rickayzen
SAP AG (and and and )

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