Outlook Notification For New Work Items At Task Level

Adrian Clarke adrian.clarke at xchanging.com
Thu Mar 11 06:28:27 EST 2010

We implemented an SMTP solution. This needs access from your SAP server
(batch job server if you have more than one) to your SMTP server (both
network and relays on the SMTP server) and a script like the one below.


The details are put into a file of the mail that is required to be sent,
and then a job run to run this script. The script is for a Windows
platform, written in VBScript, but could easily be rewritten in
JavaScript. For Unix, I would suggest using one of the mail sending
utilities like sendmail, qmail, procfix etc to send a mail using SMTP.


The file has parameters within it - see the end of the script for an
example file.



'                         file_mail.vbs


'  Usage

'  =====


'  cscript file_mail.vbs [parameters]



'  Parameters

'  ==========


'  -d:filename     File of parameters and HTML data to use as the
message body. 

'                    Use "-d:filename" if there are spaces in the


'  -a:filename     Optional file to attach to all mails. 

'                    Use "-a:filename" if there are spaces in the




'  File Contents

'  =============


'  **f:emailaddr   Specify the e-mail address of the sender

'  **t:emailaddrs  Specify the e-mail address of the receiver(s)
separated by semi-colon

'  **c:emailaddrs  Specify the e-mail address of the carbon copy(s)
separated by semi-colon

'  **b:emailaddrs  Specify the e-mail address of the blind copy(s)
separated by semi-colon

'                    (note the address sapteam at mycompany.com is added to
ensure a copy)

'  **s:subject     Specify the e-mail subject

'  **a:filename    File to attach to this mail only. Either use -a on
the call to the script

'                    (to get the same attachment(s) for each mail) or
**a in the file to get

'                     different attachment(s) for each mail)      

'  **x             Send the mail. You must specify **x on a line on its
own if you wish to

'                    send multiple mails from the same data file

'  (all others)    The line is part of the HTML body of the mail


'  Example

'  =======


'  cscript file_mail.vbs -d:\\srv12345\email\data\SAP_Urgent.txt


'    The above would send a mail using the parameters contained within
the file

'       \\srv12345\email\data\SAP-Urgent.txt. 

'    Please note that the whole of the parameter, including the -d:
would have to be 

'       put into quotes if there was a space anywhere in the filename.

'    If variables are being used to populate the parameters always use
quotes where a space

'    could be within the parameter - e.g.   cscript file_mail.vbs
"-d:%1" "-a:%2"



'  Notes

'  =====


'  The environment variable SAPSystemName is used to find out what SAP
system, if any, may be

'  using this script. If it finds the variable, and it has an entry that
does not start with

'  "P" (i.e. finds a non-production system), it will add the system name
to start of the subject

'  within square brackets (e.g. "[DEV] Subject of mail")



Dim fso, tStream, oArgs

Dim sSMTPHost, strServer

Dim objEmail

Dim sBCC, sSubject, sDataFile, sAttach, w_line, w_body

Dim ObjBP


WScript.Echo "*i : file_mail version AC090713 starting"


Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments


'*** Save the Arguments in variables that are more descriptive...

for x=0 to oArgs.count - 1

  if Left(cstr(oArgs(x)),3) = "-d:" then

      sDataFile = Mid(cStr(oArgs(x)),4)

  elseif Left(cstr(oArgs(x)),3) = "-a:" then

      sAttach = Mid(cStr(oArgs(x)),4)


      WScript.Echo "*w : unknown parameter " & cstr(oArgs(x)) & " -
parameter ignored"

  end if



Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")


strServer = WshSysEnv("SAPSYSTEMNAME")


if strServer <> "" AND left(strServer, 1) <>"P" then

   sSubject = "[" & strServer & "] "

end if


on error resume next


sSMTPHost = ""

Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")


figuration/sendusing") = 2

figuration/smtpserver") = 



= 25



If sAttach > "" Then

  objEmail.AddAttachment sAttach

  If err.number > 0 Then

     wscript.echo "*i: Attach File " & sAttach & " - Error " &
CStr(Err.Number) & " " & 



     wscript.echo "*i: Attach File " & sAttach & " - file has been

  End If

End If


If sDataFile > "" Then

  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  Set tStream = fso.OpenTextFile(sDataFile, 1)

  If err.number > 0 Then

     wscript.echo "*i: Body File " & sDataFile & " - Error " &
CStr(Err.Number) & " " & 



    sBCC = "sapteam at mycompany.com"

    w_body = ""

    while not tstream.AtEndOfStream

      w_line = tstream.readline

      if left(w_line,4) = "**f:" or left(w_line,4) = "**F:" then

        objemail.From = mid(w_line,5)

      elseif left(w_line,4) = "**t:" or left(w_line,4) = "**T:" then

        objemail.To = mid(w_line,5)

      elseif left(w_line,4) = "**c:" or left(w_line,4) = "**C:" then

        objemail.CC = mid(w_line,5)

      elseif left(w_line,4) = "**b:" or left(w_line,4) = "**B:" then

        if len(w_line) = 4 then

          sBCC = "sapteam at mycompany.com"


          sBCC = mid(w_line,5) & ";sapteam at mycompany.com"

        end if

      elseif left(w_line,4) = "**s:" or left(w_line,4) = "**S:" then

        objemail.Subject = sSubject & mid(w_line,5)

      elseif left(w_line,4) = "**a:" or left(w_line,4) = "**A:" then

        objemail.AddAttachment mid(w_line,5)

      elseif w_line = "**x" or w_line = "**X" then

        objemail.bcc = sBCC

        objemail.HTMLbody = w_body


        w_body = ""

        set objBP = objemail.bodypart.bodyparts



        if w_body = "" then

          w_body = w_line


          w_body = w_body & " " & w_line

        end if

      end if


  End If




  If err.number > 0 Then

     wscript.echo "*i: Body File " & sDataFile & " - Error " &
CStr(Err.Number) & " " & 


  End if

End If


if w_body > "" then

  objemail.bcc = sBCC

  objemail.HTMLbody = w_body


End If


WScript.Echo "*i : file_mail finished"







Here is an example file:


**f:adrian.clarke at xchanging.com

**t:ali.husain at sap.wug

**s:Example File

Ali,<BR><BR>This is an example of a file that can be

used to


a mail or two without the need for using SCOT or any

other tools within SAP.<BR><BR>Regards,<BR><BR>Adrian


**t:bart.simpson at wasnot.me.uk

**s:I have the proof


Bart,<BR><BR>As you can see from the attached I have proof it was you.
You will find this also <A



This will send a mail from adrian.clarke at xchanging.com to
ali.hisain at sap.wug with a subject of "Example File". The body of the
mail will be formatted in HTML as follows:




This is an example of a file that can be used to send a mail or two
without the need for using SCOT or any other tools within SAP






The second mail will also be sent from adrian.clarke at xchanging.com
(there is no need to repeat the **f parameter, but it does no harm to),
to bart.simpson at wasnot.me.uk. The subject of the mail will be "I have
the proof" and there will be an attachment of kcc.jpg found in the
pictures directory of the srv12345 server.


The mail body will have a link in it to www.proof.com
<http://www.proof.com/> .


There is no need for **x at the end, as if there is an unsent mail body,
it will be sent, but again, it does not harm.


With Best Wishes


Adrian Clarke

SAP Consultant





From: sap-wug-bounces at mit.edu [mailto:sap-wug-bounces at mit.edu] On Behalf
Of Ali Husain
Sent: 11 March 2010 10:19
Subject: Outlook Notification For New Work Items At Task Level


Hey guys,

Is there a way to send an Outlook notification to the agent whenever he
has a new Work Item in his inbox without using an explicit mail step in
the WF template?

I also want to avoid Extended Notifications for now and also the BG job
RSWUWFML. I don't need to send a link to execute the WI, just a
notification so that the agent knows and then can access his inbox via
Portal (We are on ECC 6 but not using UWL yet).

So i was wondering if there is a simple quick solution at the task level
to achieve this.

Thanks a lot for the help.


Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now.

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