Extended notifications & ALL work items

Karri Kemppi karri.kemppi at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 22 09:31:58 EDT 2009

My question is about the extended notifications. Basically there is a requirement that the users should get the notifications even if they already got it "yesterday" - if they haven't yet completed the work items in question.
First of all, in the "good old times" when using RSWUWFML2 I could simply choose to not to select "New work items only" option, if I wanted to send notification of ALL work items in inbox - no matter if a mail was already sent to the user(s) about the existing work items. 
Now with the extended notification solution the above-mentioned doesn't seem to be possible? After the mail has been sent the notification gets status 'sent' and that's it. There is a possibility to use the "Send reminder after X days" option, but it is not really the same thing. 
Have you guys solved this somehow? Or am I missing something obvious? I actually asked about this functionality from SAP about a year ago, and at that time their answer was that this is not possible, and that I should use the reminder functionality.
Best regards,
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