Task numbers in search help

Michael Pokraka wug.replies at workflowconnections.com
Tue Apr 19 09:47:32 EDT 2005

Hi all, 
A trivial question perplexing a couple of us: 
How does one make the task or other object numbers appear in the F4 search
help? e.g. PFTC, select TS, hit search on the task field. Some systems display
object ID in the first column, others don't. 

Right now I am looking at a few 6.20 systems on patch level 43, some show: 

Object ID | Object abbr.    | Object name    | Dates....
99900001 | MyTask_1        | My first task  | blah...

Most are missing the first column: 
Object abbr.    | Object name    | Dates....
MyTask_1        | My first task  | blah...

I've looked in F4 help settings, switched key display on ... the object ID
field isn't even listed in the 

Any clues? 

Michael Pokraka
Workflow Connections Ltd.
Tel.: +44 (0)7786 910 855

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