Passing data into existing WF containers from CHANGED event outside of WF question in 4.6c

Rick Sample Rick.Sample at
Wed Sep 1 17:48:01 EDT 2004

I have a WF that starts on CREATE event. 
I set my WF containers via BOR attributes passed in via the bindings from the CREATE event. 
I have a CFM that traps for CREATE/CHANGE event and raises it off if already started. 
I don't want to start another WF if already exists. So setting a triggering event for CHANGED 
and binding from triggering event will never get the data on CHANGED. 
I need to pass data back to the WF and update WF containers from the CHANGED event. 
I can add a "Wait for Event" listener and use container operations and updated individual elements 
but this does not seem to be the right way to get data from the CHANGED event. 
Any simple existing "canned" SAP WFs that deal with this issue that I can look at? 
Any light shed here is much appreciated...

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