WF not working correctly after UPGRADE (URGENT)

Praveen Johri pjohri at
Wed May 12 02:46:04 EDT 2004

Hi All,
Here i m again with one ususal question..................we had an upgrade
from 4.5 to 4.7 SR1,there is a customized WF for buyer assignement:...the
discription goes as.....when a PR is created it is assigned to a buyer for
PO creation. Buyer assignemnt is determined against the table entries of
buyer load. When PR is assigned the buyer load is increased by 1 and when
PO is created it is decreased by 1.
The problem is the task used to update buyer load is passed with buyer id
from WF against which the load has to be updated.In 4.5 it is working
correctly(which is a copy of previous Production ) but in 4.7 the buyer id
from WF to task is not coming (it is blank always).
I have compared all the bindings and the all the mehtods their
intefaces..........but was not able to figure out why it is happening in
this issue has become highly critical in the list of prod. problems i have
to solve..........................any help or ideas are welcome....
Thanks & Regards
Praveen Johri
SAP Practice
Extn : 2597
Ph    : 91-0120-2582323
Fax   : 91-0120-2582322
Computer Science Corporation India Ltd.
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