OLE call WANGIMAGE viewer

Thiemo> <Geisberger tgeisberger at bmw.co.at
Mon Mar 4 09:23:35 EST 2002

Hi All,
i have a problem with our early archiving scenario. The scan process works fine
and I have the document as object IMAGE
in the format FAX in our archive.
I can view the document with the wangimage viewer from microsoft. (customizied
in the transaction oaa3)
But when I close the window with the "methods after workitem execution"
IMAGE.WINDOWCLOSE I have following problem:
a.) It works fine if the user who execute the workitem doesn't close the
application wangimage manuelly.
    I think some users will do this. (conscious or not conscious). When a user
close the wangimage viewer
    the workflow will abort with the error message "A: Error calling application
via OLE". So the workitem isn't finished
    and the user will get this message again and again.
b.) There are 2 kinds of customizing in the transaction OAA3 - application
    First:  Under window close the method         IMG.Close @DPA
    Second: Under window close the method         IMG.Close @DPA
    The effect with the second variant is that the application wangimage viewer
will be closed with the workitem method
    "Windowclose from the object IMAGE". But when a user start the next workitem
he will get an error
    "A: Error calling application via OLE" during the workitem method IMAGE.
    The problem before - see a.) - also exist.
Thanks in advance and best regards
Thiemo Geisberger
BMW Motoren GmbH

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