Role Usage

Nobles, Diane nobles_dh at
Wed May 9 13:28:37 EDT 2001

I am creating a workflow in 3.1H and have the following questions.  If
anyone can help me I would appreciate.
1) I am using role 30000011, Organizational Unit of a user.  This role uses
a function module rh_get_structure.  How does it know which organization
unit to use?
2) When using the WS workflow templates, it will only let me use roles.  I
would like to use something else, i.e., users, or jobs, etc.  To do so do I
have to go through a role and a function module.
3)  Also I need to further refine my triggering event, to include a specific
field, i.e., document type and status.  This could be done by a check
module, but I am having trouble finding where this gets added in the task.
Training was in 4.0/4.6 and they had a neat little field at the task level
to add all the function modules and such.  3.1H does not.
If anyone can help me I would appreciate.
Diane H. Nobles
* Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,     *
* and a light unto my path. Ps 119:105 *

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