Classes (ABAP objects) versus Business Objects

Rickayzen, Alan alan.rickayzen at
Thu Apr 19 10:32:47 EDT 2001

The reason that there are two environments is simply historical. ABAP became
object orientated at a later stage, but the "B" in Business Objects is the
significant part.
BOR is the Business Object Repository of the SAP world. ABAP Objects is a
useful programming technology, devoid of business logic.
Business Objects can be called easily from ABAP reports. There's a good
online tutorial on this included with the workflow tutorials.
Kind regards,
Alan Rickayzen
-----Original Message-----
From: Raf Bormans [mailto:Raf.Bormans at THEVISIONWEB.BE]
Sent: Donnerstag, 19. April 2001 14:56
Subject: Classes (ABAP objects) versus Business Objects
Can anybody explain me
* why there are two environments for creating object type: the class builder
(ABAP objects) and the business object builder (BOR)
* what is the link between both types of business objects
* how I reference a business object in a ABAP report, and call a business
object method in this environment
Thanks, Raf

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