[Olympus] Status and plan for Friday July 8, 2011

Michael Kohl kohlm at jlab.org
Thu Jul 7 18:20:20 EDT 2011

Dear all,
here's an attempt to give an update on some of the planned activities in 
the hall tomorrow (Friday July 8).

The survey of Lumi and Tof components will continue in the morning.
The elastic lumi telescopes of 3 GEMs and 3 MWPCs have been surveyed 
internally and mounted in the detector this week. Survey of the telescopes 
w.r.t. the wire chambers has been started today.
TOF18 in both sectors was added today, the rear TOF groups will be 
surveyed tomorrow.

OLYMPUS wrapping:
The crane group will arrive at 10am. The second Argus muon chamber will be 
placed on the main frame above the left sector. Two 6mx25m plastic foils 
will be pulled over the detector from the upstream to downstream end to 
wrap the detector. The sides will be covered with additional 5mx6m plastic 
foil curtains.

Cabeling of the lumi telescopes is ongoing, first with MWPCs, GEMs to 

Wire chamber repairs:
Work in progress.

Debugging of PMT signals is ongoing.

This weekend will be the last opportunity to work on the detector before 
the rolling-in. From Monday-Wednesday July 11-13 the hall will not be not 
accessible, to allow the crane group to remove the shielding and transfer 
the concrete across the detector and the electronics hut to the DORIS hall 
floor without interruptions.

Best regards

| Dr. Michael Kohl                                                  |
| Assistant Professor                | Staff Research Scientist     |
| -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |
| Physics Department, Olin / Rm. 414 | Jefferson Laboratory, C117   |
| Hampton University                 | 12000 Jefferson Avenue       |
| Hampton, VA 23668                  | Newport News, VA 23606       |
| U.S.A.                             | U.S.A.                       |
| Phone: +1-757-727-5153             | +1-757-269-7343              |
| Fax:   +1-757-728-6910             | +1-757-269-7363              |
| -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |
| Email: kohlm at jlab.org                                             |
| Cell:  +1-757-256-5122                                            |

| Home:                                             |
| 145C Atlantic Avenue                              |
| Hampton, VA 23664, U.S.A.                         |
| Phone: +1-757-722-5025    Mobile: +1-757-256-5122 |
| Email: kohlm at jlab.org,    K.Michael.Kohl at gmx.de   |

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