[MOS] December 3, 2013, Bruce D. Kay, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Zina M Queen zqueen at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 27 09:19:27 EST 2013

Seminar on

Modern Optics and Spectroscopy


Creating beakers without walls: 

Formation of deeply-supercooled binary liquid solutions from nanoscale amorphous solid films

Bruce D. Kay,

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 

Tuesday, Decemeber 3, 2013


Supercooled liquids are metastable and their lifetimes are dictated by the kinetics for crystallization. Traditional experimental studies have used a variety of methods to suppress crystallization while cooling from the liquid phase. An alternate approach is to heat an amorphous solid above its glass transition temperature, Tg, whereupon it transforms into a deeply-supercooled liquid prior to crystallization. We employ molecular beams, programmed desorption (both TPD and isothermal), FTIR vibrational spectroscopy, and rare gas permeation to synthesize and characterize compositionally tailored nanoscale films of glassy methanol and ethanol.  We demonstrate that these films exhibit complete diffusive intermixing and suppressed crystallization when heated above Tg.  Furthermore, the resulting container-less liquids evaporate as continuously mixed ideal binary solutions while retaining their solid-like macroscopic shapes.  This approach provides a new method for preparing deeply-supercooled liquid solutions in metastable regions of their phase diagram and for studying the kinetics of their phase separation and crystallization as they approach thermodynamic equilibrium. The applicability of this technique for studying aqueous liquid solutions will also be presented and discussed.


Grier Room, MIT Bldg 34-401

Refreshments served after the lecture
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