[MOS] MOS November 20, 2007

Zina Queen zqueen at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 16 09:45:12 EST 2007

Seminar on
Modern Optics and Spectroscopy

Obrad Scepanovic,

Multimodal spectroscopy of vulnerable plaque

November 20, 2007

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Grier Room  34-401

The combination of reflectance, fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopy 
- which we term multimodal spectroscopy (MMS) - can provide 
complementary and depth-sensitive information about tissue 
composition. We present an overview of the development of MMS into a 
clinical technique for detecting vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque, 
which is done through four main areas. In the first, we show that MMS 
can provide spectral markers indicative of the presence of 
morphological features of vulnerable plaque. Having established the 
motivation, the next step describes the mathematical tools used to 
extract quantitative spectral parameters and, moreover, to assess the 
uncertainty and confidence of the spectral information. In order to 
apply the mentioned methodology, in the third step we describe the 
development of a compact and practical clinical MMS instrument and an 
efficient, specialized MMS probe for data acquisition. Lastly, we 
describe preliminary results from a clinical study of vulnerable 
plaque as an important step in clinical translation of the MMS 
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