[MOS] October 24@mit.edu, 2006

Zina Queen zqueen at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 23 09:58:20 EDT 2006

Seminar on
Modern Optics and Spectroscopy

David Pritchard, MIT

Confined atom interferometers

October 24, 2006

12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.


Confined Atom Interferometers do not operate like conventional 
interferometers in which propagating amplitude is split in momentum 
space and subsequently separates and recombines only due to 
propagation.  Rather, the atoms are held localized in a single well 
trap that morphs into a double well with coherent atom phase in both 
wells, then  are recombined after accumulating a differential phase. 
If we measure the relative phase of unconnected atoms initially, and 
then after some interaction, we are performing atom interferometry. 
Doing this with many atoms (e.g.with a BEC) in the initial trap 
results in interference between possibly different numbers of atoms 
in each of the separated wells - this is essentially interferometry 
with classical objects.  We have developed confined atom 
interferometers using two approaches: deformable optical traps and 
magnetic traps, both with new scientific opportunities.
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