[MOS] October 17, 2006

Zina Queen zqueen at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 16 08:37:57 EDT 2006

Seminar on
Modern Optics and Spectroscopy

Marlan Scully
Texas A&M University and Princeton University

"Single photon Dicke super and sub radiance"

October 17, 2006

12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.
Grier Room 34-401


A collection of N static atoms is fixed in a crystal at a low 
temperature and prepared by a pulse of incident radiation of wave 
vector . The N atoms are well described by an entangled Dicke-like 
state, in which each atom carries a characteristic phase factor exp(i 
), where   is the atomic position in the crystal. It is shown that a 
single photon absorbed by the N atoms will be followed by spontaneous 
emission in the same direction. Furthermore, phase matched emission 
is found when one photon is absorbed by N atoms followed by 
two-photon down-conversion.
Radiation trapping and Dicke subradiance is also interesting in the 
present context. The present scheme shows distinctive differences 
between a weak Glauber state (single photon average energy) and a 
single photon Fock state
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