[Mobilepartners] Verizon blackberry models at MIT

Matthew D Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Sat Apr 11 13:28:48 EDT 2009

Hi Yakov,

If your thinking about changing up your BlackBerry Pearl due to the keyboard, then the BlackBerry 9530 (Storm) is not your best bet. If you’re a heavy BlackBerry user whom thinks they need a full QWERTY keyboard, I would look at the Verizon BlackBerry 8830 or 8330 Curve. There is rumor of a new "Curve" on the roadmap soon, so maybe hold off for a few months if possible. 

Either way, if you want to try the BlackBerry Storm, you have 30 days from the time you make the purchase. At which point, if you find you do not like the device, you can return it and reactivate your Pearl. 


-----Original Message-----
From: mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:mobilepartners-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Yakov Ostrovsky
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 3:59 PM
To: mobilepartners at MIT.EDU
Subject: [Mobilepartners] Verizon blackberry models at MIT

Hi mobilepartners,

I'm trying to decide between two models of Blackberry: 8830World edition 
and Storm 9530. Currently I'm using 8130 Pearl. I've originally chosen 
Pearl for the size, but later found that I don't like the keyboard (what a 
surprise! ;-)

Does anybody have any experience with 9530? I like the idea of having a 
large screen, but how good is the on-screen keyboard? How practical is it? 
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Yakov Ostrovsky
Research Engineer
MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
138 Albany Street
Cambridge, MA 02468
Tel:  617-253-1286
Fax: 617-253-7300
email: yakov at mit.edu

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