[Mobilepartners] Verizon blackberry models at MIT

Yakov Ostrovsky yakov at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 10 15:59:09 EDT 2009

Hi mobilepartners,

I'm trying to decide between two models of Blackberry: 8830World edition 
and Storm 9530. Currently I'm using 8130 Pearl. I've originally chosen 
Pearl for the size, but later found that I don't like the keyboard (what a 
surprise! ;-)

Does anybody have any experience with 9530? I like the idea of having a 
large screen, but how good is the on-screen keyboard? How practical is it? 
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Yakov Ostrovsky
Research Engineer
MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
138 Albany Street
Cambridge, MA 02468
Tel:  617-253-1286
Fax: 617-253-7300
email: yakov at mit.edu

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