[Mobilepartners] Blackberry Internet Service Email Outage

Andrew Yu andrewyu at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 7 14:46:24 EDT 2007

This message is for those who are using BlackBerry devices.

According to Sprint, there was a report of BlackBerry outage that may  
affect all BlackBerry users across the board (including Verizon,  
AT&T, T-Mobile). The users may not be receiving any email on the  
BlackBerry device as of around 11 am this morning.

I will keep you posted on the progress.


Andrew Yu
Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
Information Services & Technology
andrewyu at mit.edu
Sent from Apple Mail

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Cohen, Josh M [SD]" <Josh.M.Cohen at sprint.com>
> Date: September 7, 2007 2:18:58 PM EDT
> To: <andrewyu at mit.edu>
> Cc: "Beecher, Chad L [SD]" <Chad.Beecher at sprint.com>
> Subject: Sprint Blackberry Webmail
> Hello Andrew,
>         Today at 10:42AM Sprint was issued a ticket by RIM, Ticket  
> # 1018908, for delays sending and receiving messages via Blackberry  
> Internet Service.  The issue is being caused by a Blackberry  
> infrastructure software issue.  Delays were initially about 30-60  
> minutes, but have increased and may reach up to 3 hours and are  
> suspected of impacting most users.  I will keep you updated.
> Josh
> Joshua M. Cohen
> Solutions Consultant
> Sprint Business Solutions
> Phone (781) 494-1440
> Fax     (781) 494-1221
> Helpful Sprint Links
> Learn more about Treo devices
> Blackberry Resource Center
> Sprint Nextel Device Support
> Check Coverage
> Download Software
> Sprint Navigation Demo

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