[Mobilepartners] Palm Treo 755p from Verizon Wireless

Matthew Sullivan irishman at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 18 12:50:40 EST 2007

	For the loyal Palm OS users out there, you may be happy to know that  
Verizon has finally released their Palm Treo 755p. This device has  
been available from  Sprint for the last six months, but with  
Verizon's testing process this wait was expected. Some of the benefits  
that the 755p bring to the table are High-Speed EV-DO data  
connectivity, larger capacity battery of 1600mAh (Treo 680's had a  
1200mAh), VersaMail 3.5.45 w/ Exchange Activesync Support, lighter  
weight, and a slimmer design without an external antenna. Verizon has  
also bundled in some applications like built-in support for Microsoft  
Word, Excel, Powerpoint & PDF documents, and Google Maps.  This device  
would be a great performance upgrade for users with Treo 650's and  
Treo 680's, users with the Treo 700p may like the slimmer design and  
no external antenna but will not see a noticeable performance increase.

	The MIT/Verizon's site does not have the Treo 755p listed as of yet  
and is expected to be updated by Jan 7, but in the meantime MIT users  
can obtain the pricing plans and device via the following Verizon  

For Corporate, MIT Billed orders/accounts:
Mark Ouellette - Verizon Wireless Account Executive
Email: Mark.Ouellette at VerizonWireless.com

For Personal, Employee-owned orders/accounts:
Paulette Nickerson - Verizon Wireless Sales Representative
Email: Paulette.Nickerson at VerizonWireless.com


Some outside information and reviews of the Verizon Palm Treo 755p.

Palm ~ Overview:

CNET ~ Review:

Matthew Sullivan - Mobile Devices Consultant
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information Services & Technology - SWRT
P: 617-253-6445
E: irishman at mit.edu
Team Email: mobile-help at mit.edu

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