Kurt Keville kkeville at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 14 11:04:02 EST 2004

>The MIT Enterprise Forum Energy SIG is looking for MA students and
>professionals who are interested in commercializing clean energy
>technologies and would like to learn how to best present their business
>ideas to potential funders.
>The top presenters will be awarded $30,000 and other prizes.
>Please forward this to anyone who might be interested in entering.
>Click on this link for details and to register:
>   http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/EnergySIG/IgniteCleanEnergy.html
>We are seeking emerging entrepreneurs - university students and
>professionals - who will develop the next generation of clean,
>renewable, or efficient energy resources.  We hope these new leaders
>will make our region the center for clean energy economic development,
>creating new jobs and growth opportunities in the region.
>To spur entrepreneurial activities, the Energy Special Interest Group
>(SIG) of the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge and its event sponsors -
>the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, the Massachusetts High
>Technology Council, and Constellation NewEnergy - are offering a $30K
>business presentation competition.
>The three goals of the competition are to:
>   * Help new business leaders create a compelling story for raising
>     funds from government, angel, and venture capital investors
>   * Teach entrepreneurs superior presentation skills, and
>   * Encourage networking among participants and industry leaders
>To achieve these aims, we are offering three events: one training seminar
>and two opportunities for entrepreneurs to present their business ideas
>to a distinguished panel of judges.
>The events are designed to help contestants clarify their strategic
>vision, vet their business plans, and boost their communication skills.
>Five winners will be selected in the final competitive round and each
>winner will share a portion of the $30,000 prize money.
>And, of course, each event will include networking opportunities,
>food, and refreshments.
>   http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/EnergySIG/IgniteCleanEnergy.html

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