[Macpartners] Mac client, cloud server file problem

Karen M Johnson karenj at mit.edu
Thu Dec 10 16:47:13 EST 2015


I was not able to get any result using the command below. I did exclude the share from spotlight indexing on the machines using one particular folder the most, not the entire office.

It appears to have helped and the staff are happy with the results.

There will still be a file or two that will not delete but then later I am able to delete it.

Thanks to everyone who offered help,


On Dec 8, 2015, at 2:21 PM, Karen Johnson <karenj at mit.edu> wrote:

> Hello Andy and Rich,
> I have started and will let you know how the results.
> thank you for helping,
> Karen
> On Dec 8, 2015, at 2:13 PM, Rich Pieri <ratinox at mit.edu> wrote:
>> On 12/8/15 1:29 PM, Karen M Johnson wrote:
>>> Anyone have any advice? Know anything about this? Will it go away if
>>> we upgrade to El Capitan? (I doubt it since this problem seems to
>>> have existed a while).
>> If the problem is what I think it is then no, an OS upgrade will have no
>> beneficial effect. What I suspect is that Spotlight on one one or more
>> of your group's Macs is indexing the shared directory. You can check the
>> indexing status of a volume or share with the command
>> mdutil "/Volumes/<Share Name>" -s
>> (I'm assuming standard Mac mount points). This will return "Indexing
>> enabled" if it is. If it is enabled then you should add the share to
>> Spotlight's Privacy tab: Apple Menu -> System Settings -> Spotlight ->
>> Privacy and drag the share into the list. Repeat on all of your group's
>> Macs.
>> -- 
>> Rich Pieri <ratinox at mit.edu>
>> MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science

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