[Macpartners] Mac client, cloud server file problem

Karen M Johnson karenj at mit.edu
Tue Dec 8 14:21:24 EST 2015

Hello Andy and Rich,

I have started and will let you know how the results.

thank you for helping,


On Dec 8, 2015, at 2:13 PM, Rich Pieri <ratinox at mit.edu> wrote:

> On 12/8/15 1:29 PM, Karen M Johnson wrote:
>> Anyone have any advice? Know anything about this? Will it go away if
>> we upgrade to El Capitan? (I doubt it since this problem seems to
>> have existed a while).
> If the problem is what I think it is then no, an OS upgrade will have no
> beneficial effect. What I suspect is that Spotlight on one one or more
> of your group's Macs is indexing the shared directory. You can check the
> indexing status of a volume or share with the command
>  mdutil "/Volumes/<Share Name>" -s
> (I'm assuming standard Mac mount points). This will return "Indexing
> enabled" if it is. If it is enabled then you should add the share to
> Spotlight's Privacy tab: Apple Menu -> System Settings -> Spotlight ->
> Privacy and drag the share into the list. Repeat on all of your group's
> Macs.
> -- 
> Rich Pieri <ratinox at mit.edu>
> MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science

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