[Macpartners] IS&T Announces Release of FileMaker 13 for Distribution

Peggy Conant pconant at MIT.EDU
Mon May 5 17:08:30 EDT 2014

Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) is pleased to announce the release of FileMaker Pro 13, FileMaker Pro 13 Advanced and FileMaker Server 13 for Macintosh and Windows at MIT.  Please read the following important notifications about the use of FileMaker at MIT.

Before downloading FileMaker 13 products on your own machine or on other computers in your area, IS&T requests that all FileMaker users take inventory of their FileMaker databases and their computing environment to assess potential risks for security breaches or catastrophic data loss.

MIT community members may download FileMaker Pro 13 from the IS&T Software Grid<https://ist.mit.edu/software-hardware?type=All&platform=All&users=All&field_a_k_a_value=FileMaker&recommended_only=All>. Staff and faculty may submit requests for FileMaker 13 Advanced and/or FileMaker 13 Server from the IS&T Software Grid<https://ist.mit.edu/software-hardware?type=All&platform=All&users=All&field_a_k_a_value=FileMaker&recommended_only=All>.

Important: FileMaker should never be used to store regulated or PIRN<http://web.mit.edu/infoprotect/resources/definitions.html#pirn> (Personal Information Requiring Notification)<http://web.mit.edu/infoprotect/resources/definitions.html#pirn> data.

If you have FileMaker databases or other electronic documents that contain such data, consult MIT’sInfoProtect<http://web.mit.edu/infoprotect/index.html> web pages and contact the Security Team<mailto:security at mit.edu?subject=Questions%20About%20Securing%20FileMaker%20Data> to find out more about how to secure your FileMaker data.

Important: Updates to FileMaker 13 are required to address the Heartbleed Bug.

After installation of MIT-licensed FileMaker 13 software, users should immediately visit the FileMaker download page<http://www.filemaker.com/support/downloads/> and perform FileMaker 13.0v3 updates to address the Heartbleed<http://ist.mit.edu/news/heartbleed> bug. Updates should be performed on all FileMaker 13 products before users log in and open files using FileMaker 13.

FileMaker Server at MIT
IS&T recommends that IS&T Managed Servers<http://ist.mit.edu/managed-servers> be used for hosting FileMaker databases. Running FileMaker Server 13 on locally managed machines is not recommended. Server administrators who are confident and experienced with FileMaker Server and installing certificates will find MIT-specific configuration recommendations on the IS&T website. For those without server administration skills, we strongly recommend using IS&T Managed Servers<http://ist.mit.edu/server-hosting>.

Information about upgrading or converting to FileMaker 13 can be found in the IS&T Knowledge Base on theFileMaker 13 landing page<http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/uFcYCQ>. If you have questions, you can contact the Computing Help Desk at 617.253.1101 or computing-help at mit.edu<mailto:computing-help at mit.edu>.  You can also submit a request online<http://ist.mit.edu/help>.

On Behalf of the FileMaker Release Team,

Peggy Conant
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