[Macpartners] iCal publish yet require authentication for subscribe?

Aran M. Parillo aran at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 29 12:30:00 EDT 2009


I've done some googling around and can't seem to find the answer to this 
so thought I'd check here.

User(s) have a mobileme family account and wish to publish calendars and 
share them (ONLY) between mobileme family account members.  Is this 

I do understand you can give published calendars some hard to guess name 
that would make it unlikely for others to guess/subscribe to it, but IMO 
that's not secure, that's just obscure.

I also understand you could publish to a protected section of your 
personal iDisk, however in order to allow another family member to 
subscribe, you'd need to share your mobileme u/p which is unacceptable.

I'm left wondering, are there "group" permissions for family packs on 
mobile me/idisk?  And... if Apple can allow for (or used to) 
authenticating to see published pictures... how difficult would it be to 
do the same for shared calendars?  Is that too logical for a company 
that suggests we "think different"?  [g]

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts... I have a feeling apple has a 
"family pack" of mobileme users at stake here. [gg]


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