[Macpartners] VMware Fusion 3 Update

Patrick M McNeal mcneal at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 27 14:25:16 EDT 2009

Earlier today, VMware released Fusion 3, an update to their popular  
Macintosh virtualization software.  This update is covered by MIT's  
VMware site license, and we are currently working with the vendor to  
obtain an updated serial number.  We'll send out an update once the  
new serial number and installer are available.

In the mean time, we recommend that people do not install the Fusion  
3.0 trial.  There have been reports that upgrading from a registered  
2.x installation causes 3.0 to require a serial number, without the  
option for a 30-day trial.


Patrick McNeal
Team Lead - Software Release Team
ISDA, Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617 253-0196
mcneal at mit.edu

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