[Macpartners] mail 4.1 how to set/use a Sent folder that's local and not on the imap server?

Scott C. Jensen jensen at ilp.mit.edu
Mon Dec 7 14:47:10 EST 2009

      I believe you have to uncheck the "Store sent messages on the  
server" setting in preferences.  It's in the Accounts tab, like so:

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On Dec 7, 2009, at 1:45 PM, Aran M. Parillo wrote:

> Hi,
> A very frustrated Mac Mail user just whacked their entire sent folder
> off the MIT IMAP server not knowing that adjusting her "sent"
> preferences would NOT just simply keep her sent mail on her mac.
> I am now trying to see/setup her Mail to store her sent mails on her  
> mac
> but this seems not possible.
> I've created a new folder "on my mac" and tried selecting the folder  
> and
> using the "mailbox" pulldown to "use this mailbox for" but it does not
> allow me to select sent.
> Is my only option to create a Rule to port a copy of any "sent"  
> messages
>  to this local folder?
> Thanks for your thoughts here...
> Aran
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Scott C. Jensen
   Asst. Director, Office of Info Services
     MIT Corporate Relations - Industrial Liaison Program
       Room W98-050    600 Memorial Drive   Cambridge, MA   02139
         617/253-0441      FAX: 617/258-0796     Email: jensen at mit.edu

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