[Macpartners] setting file Kind under OS X

Sue Felshin sfelshin at csail.mit.edu
Fri Oct 14 16:58:51 EDT 2005

At 9:55 AM -0400 10/13/05, Gurukarm Khalsa wrote:
>Sue, are they all looking for the same application? I think, 
>actually, it doesn't matter - just single-click any one of the group 
>to select it, go to File -> get info (Cmd + I) - there's a section 
>called "Open With" where you can choose an application to open that 
>file type. There's a button for "Use this application to open all 
>documents like this: Change all..."
>Even if you have a number of different applications to change the 
>files to, this only takes a few seconds, and is really effective.

Thanks, but this isn't enough to convince Eudora that a file is a mail folder.

At 2:01 PM -0400 10/14/05, Albert Willis wrote:
>If you want to change the type and creator of a file, you can use 
>to do so.

I'll try this next.


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