[Macpartners] question re Airport Extreme base station

Tim Koch timkoch at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 18 18:14:51 EDT 2005

It should also be pointed out that it is possible to purchase an  
Airport Extreme base station with a modem.  This is not an option for  
Airport Express.  So if the client was using their old base station  
to access a dial-up connection with wireless, a base station with a  
built-in modem would be required as a replacement.


On Oct 18, 2005, at 3:06 PM, Albert Willis wrote:

On Oct 18, 2005, at 2:20 PM, Gurukarm Khalsa wrote:

> I have a user who needs to replace an older Airport base station at  
> home, and I'm a bit confused about which of two stations as shown  
> on the Apple MIT B2E store website is her correct solution.
> Of course I need to save money for our department (this is for a  
> departmental laptop she uses when working from home), so the  
> Airport Express Base Station with AirTunes for $119.00 is more  
> attractive than the AirPort Extreme Base Station (with modem and  
> antenna port) for $179.00.
> But, do the two items do essentially the same tasks? Would she be  
> able to connect her laptop wirelessly with the Airtunes version?
> Thanks!
> Gurukarm

The short answer is yes.

The slight disadvantage with the AirPort Express is that it has one  
ethernet port for connecting to a DSL or cable connection. This is  
only an issue if a user has an ethernet network at home they wish to  
add wireless to, where they would need a second ethernet port to  
connect the AirPort Express to the local area network.

An inexpensive hub solves this problem. Of course, if there's no  
existing ethernet network to worry about, than this isn't an issue.

Using AirTunes music streaming is totally optional.

   -- Al

Albert Willis
Macintosh Platform Coordinator - Software Release Team
Information Services and Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
awillis at mit.edu

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