[Macpartners] setting file Kind under OS X

Kerem B Limon k_limon at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 14 17:31:38 EDT 2005

Quoting Sue Felshin <sfelshin at csail.mit.edu>:

> At 9:55 AM -0400 10/13/05, Gurukarm Khalsa wrote:
>> Sue, are they all looking for the same application? I think, 
>> actually, it doesn't matter - just single-click any one of the group 
>> to select it, go to File -> get info (Cmd + I) - there's a section 
>> called "Open With" where you can choose an application to open that 
>> file type. There's a button for "Use this application to open all 
>> documents like this: Change all..."
>> Even if you have a number of different applications to change the 
>> files to, this only takes a few seconds, and is really effective.
> Thanks, but this isn't enough to convince Eudora that a file is a 
> mail folder.

Well, a file is a file not a folder. I think you mean mailbox, which is what
Eudora calls collections of messages in a file.

You shouldn't have to open mailbox files with an app. As long as they 
are in the
proper Eudora settings directory (location varies on installer and 
platform), it
should be able to detect them. Is this not the case?


> At 2:01 PM -0400 10/14/05, Albert Willis wrote:
>> If you want to change the type and creator of a file, you can use 
>> XRay 
>> (<http://www.brockerhoff.net/xray/>http://www.brockerhoff.net/xray/) 
>> to do so.
> I'll try this next.
> -Sue
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Kerem B. Limon
kerem.limon at mit.edu /e-mail

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